
  • 网络Phoenix Bird
  1. 凤凰鸟象征着不朽,死后的新生。

    The phoenix bird symbolizes immortality , resurrection and life after death .

  2. 凤凰本非凡俗鸟,浴火重生更逍遥。

    Phoenix this non-mediocre bird , the bath fire rebirth is freer .

  3. 一天,凤凰做寿,百鸟都来庆贺,只有蝙蝠没有来。

    One day , the phoenix celebrated its birthday and all the birds came to congratulate it except the bat .

  4. 但其实朱雀和凤凰是两种不同的生物,凤凰是百鸟之王,而朱雀却是天之灵兽,比凤凰更稀有尊贵,破坏力也更强。

    In fact rosefinch and Phoenix are two different creatures , the Phoenix is paying wang , rosefinch is days created , more rare than Phoenix distinguished , is also much greater destructive power .