
  1. 认为打尺寸运动项目已成为畲族人民喜爱的健身娱乐活动,并且所具有体育竞技、健身娱乐、教育、经济等多方面的功能,能为畲族地区的经济社会发展起着积极的作用。

    Da Chi Cun sport has become a favorite physical and recreation activity for the She ethnic minority , and been playing a positive role in developing the She area 's economy and sociality with its competitive , physical , recreation , educational and economic function .

  2. 四连杆打纬机构尺寸偏差对运动误差的影响

    Influence of Measurement Deviation Upon Motion Error for Four-Bar Linkage Beating-Up Mechanism

  3. 一种利用计算机来确定短牵手打纬机构尺寸的方法

    Utilization of computers in determining dimensions of the beating up mechanism with short connecting rods