
  1. 农夫越打,牛走得越慢。双方在骄阳下越加愤怒了。

    The more the farmer whipped , the slower the ox was and the angrier they both become in the burning sunshine .

  2. 球迷甲:你觉得你打哪个位置最牛,小前锋还是大前锋?特别是当你来到东部联盟之后。

    Dee ( Fairfax , VA ): What position do you feel you can be most effective playing small forward or power forward , especially with the shift to the Eastern Conference ?

  3. 怀让解释说:“打个比方说,牛拉车,车不动。你说,应该打牛还是推车?”马祖支支吾吾答不上来。

    Huai Rang explained : " For example , an ox pulls a cart , but the cart doesn 't move . Now , you say , should you whip the ox or push the cart ? "