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  • 网络dress up
  1. 我晚上要去参加晚会,我得打扮一下。

    I need to go to party tonight . I need to dress up .

  2. 1.稍微打扮一下。

    Step 1 Dress up a little .

  3. 你不妨打扮一下。

    It wouldn 't do you any harm to smarten yourself up .

  4. 趁客人还没到,我得去打扮一下好见人。

    I must go and make myself presentable before the guests arrive .

  5. 如果你穿些新潮的衣服打扮一下,你会是个帅小伙。

    You will be a boy if you some fashionable clothes .

  6. 只要稍微打扮一下,她会很漂亮的。

    A little maintenance , she might not look bad .

  7. 我去给莉莉打扮一下好

    Okay , I 'm gonna go get Lily ready . Okay .

  8. 我们可以用这笔钱好好打扮一下这地方

    Which we could use to spruce up the place .

  9. 我得去梳理打扮一下。

    I must go and tidy myself a bit .

  10. 在你去参加晚会之前先打扮一下。

    Clean up before you go to the party .

  11. 我敢肯定,年轻女士一定很想打扮一下吧。

    I 'm sure that the young lady would like to freshen up .

  12. 每个周末她都会打扮一下,和朋友们去跳舞。

    Every weekend she makes herself up and goes dancing with her friends .

  13. 我先打扮一下,然后我们就可以走了。

    I 'll just smarten up a bit , then we can go .

  14. 我们认为应该把自己朴素地打扮一下。

    I think we are right to adorn it in a simple manner .

  15. 你得打扮一下再出门。

    You 'll have to smarten yourself up a bit before going out .

  16. 为了参加宴会匆匆打扮一下。

    He made a hasty toilet for dinner .

  17. 他们基本就跟之前一样打扮一下,拗拗造型,做做简单动作和脸部表情罢了。

    They basically primp and pose through the same humdrum motions they did before .

  18. 好要不要打扮一下干嘛我多带了一件

    Lily : Okay.Want to spruce up ? What ? I carry a spare .

  19. 你为什么不好好打扮一下今天下午,西装革履

    Why don 't you look nice ? This afternoon ? Suit and tie ?

  20. 来给你打扮一下让你进入角色

    Here , let 's get you into character

  21. 为约会精心打扮一下。

    Properly groom yourself for the date .

  22. 过来,帮我打扮一下。

    Come on . Help me dress .

  23. 趁我父母还没到,你快去打扮一下。

    Dress smartly before my parents'arrival .

  24. 我通常在见女性朋友之前喜欢正式打扮一下。

    I usually like to have a proper detailin ' done before I meet a lady friend .

  25. 我不知是打扮一下呢,还是就穿日常衣服去。

    I didn 't know whether to tart myself up or just go in my normal clothes .

  26. 谢谢你,工作了一整天之后打扮一下感觉很好。

    Oh , thank you . It 's nice to clean up after a day of work .

  27. 叶娜说:一个周六的下午,我们在家很无聊,于是就想着给菩提打扮一下,给他穿上男装。

    Yena said : We were bored one Saturday afternoon so we dressed Bodhi up in serious menswear .

  28. 经理人推算著,就在这时候,西班牙籍的卡洛斯马林急急忙忙冲进房间,他还是得为这次的访问打扮一下。

    In this moment the spaniard Carlos Marin flounces into the room – he still had to tog himself for the interview .

  29. 提前早一点去面试,这样的话在面试之前,你就有时间来打扮一下自己,有时间坐下来放松呼吸。

    Get to the interview a little early , and have time to freshen up , sit and breathe before meeting the interviewer .

  30. 恩,穿戴整齐之后我们是不是好看了?……还是要打扮一下,不是吗?

    Chandler : Well , don 't we look nice all dressed up ? ... It 's stuff like that , isn 't it ?