
  • ugly woman
  1. 世上没有丑女人,只有懒女人。

    There are no ugly woman , only lazy ones .

  2. 做丑女的第一次强过做美女的第一百次。

    It is better to be first with an ugly woman then the hundredth with beauty .

  3. 《丑女贝蒂》是美国ABC电视台出品的一档热播剧集,极具美利坚特点,甚至连担任主角的女演员都叫艾美莉卡。

    Ugly Betty was a popular show on ABC that was so American , it actually starred someone named America .

  4. 去年电影《自杀小队》(SuicideSquad)上映时,小丑女由罗比饰演,电影集齐了DC漫画中的所有反派,也试图让这些角色一炮而红。

    Robbie brought Harley to the big screen last year in Suicide Squad , which brought together the villains from DC Comics and tried to make them heroes .

  5. 39岁的丹尼尔·埃里克·戈尔德(DanielEricGold),他是一名演员,曾在《丑女贝蒂》(UglyBetty)中短暂出演贝蒂曾经的追求者,也许有些人能认出他。

    and Daniel Eric Gold , 39 , an actor whose face is recognizable from his stint as Betty 's sometime suitor on " Ugly Betty . "

  6. 据报道,华纳兄弟将开拍有关DC漫画角色小丑女(HarleyQuinn)的系列剧集,预计26集。

    An animated series centered on DC Comics character Harley Quinn in the works at Warner Bros , according to reports .

  7. 在见识了自己的文字所带来的巨大影响后,我开始对新闻写作产生浓厚兴趣,而这也和我从《丑女贝蒂》的DVD里看到的美国杂志从业者的生活有关系。

    I had become interested in journalism after seeing how my own words could make a difference and also from watching the Ugly Betty DVDs about life at an American magazine .

  8. 我不停地想起家里书包里的《雾都孤儿》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,以及书架上的《丑女贝蒂》DVD。

    I kept thinking of my school bag at home with copies of Oliver Twist and Romeo and Juliet waiting to be read and the Ugly Betty DVDs on the shelf .

  9. 《卫报》网友TanyaGold:当我们看到丑女不再坐在家里哭泣,希望自己变成别人时,我们为何如此震惊?

    Tanya Gold , the Guardian : Why are we so shocked when " ugly " women can do things , other than sitting at home weeping and wishing they were somebody else ?

  10. 我们去购物。我买了学校的课本,亚当则买了一些美国电视剧集的DVD送给我,其中包括《丑女贝蒂》。片中的女主角贝蒂虽然戴着超大牙套,却有着美丽心灵和宽大胸怀。

    We went to shops where I bought school books and Adam bought me DVDs of American TV programmes like Ugly Betty , which was about a girl with big braces and a big heart .

  11. 这部剧将讲述小丑女和小丑(TheJoker)结束分分合合恋情后的故事,小丑女将在高谭市各式罪案中努力拔得头筹。

    The series will follow Harley after she breaks free from her on-off squeeze The Joker and tries to become top dog among Gotham 's criminals .

  12. 《高谭魅影》属于漫画系列之一,主要讲述蝙蝠侠的女性敌人——小丑女、毒藤女、猫女(Catwoman)的故事。

    Sirens was a comic book series based around some of Batman 's lady enemies such as Harley , Poison Ivy and Catwoman .

  13. 是哪个丑女毁了你的人生?

    Which one of these ugly losers is ruining your life ?

  14. 加香料的米饭,有番茄、洋葱和青椒。美女口中葱蒜臭,胜过丑女手中玫瑰香。

    Spicy rice with tomatoes and onions and green peppers .

  15. 斯宾塞社团解散时她还没丑女大翻身呢

    Spencer , that club ended while she was still Loser Mona .

  16. 可笑的是过去人们叫我大丑女。

    The funny thing is , people used to call me butt-ugly .

  17. 我认识一大堆苗条的丑女人呢。

    I know tons of skinny , ugly women .

  18. 皇后:什麽!还不快去把那个丑女给我抓回来!

    Queen : What ?! Go get the ugly girl , right now !

  19. 哪个?那个丑女?那张脸真是惨不忍睹,跟你有一拼了。

    That skank ? Her face is almost as ugly as your mug .

  20. 你在看什么呢,丑女贝蒂?

    What are you bogging at ... Ugly Betty ?

  21. 丑女?她就像一个超模呢。

    Ugly ? She 's like a supermodel .

  22. 这个丑女人是谁?

    Who 's the ugly old bird ?

  23. 哪知这丑女的矫揉造作使她样子更难看了。

    Who would have thought this clown female caused her appearance to be uglier affectedly .

  24. 厌食的丑女使它来了!

    The anorexic skanks got it coming !

  25. gossip:绯闻,流言蜚语publish:发布,发行skank:丑女,邋遢鬼,着乞丐服者你是说“绯闻女友”网站,把他和某个骚货鬼混的照片登出来之后?

    Blair : You mean since gossip girl published pictures of him and some skank ? -

  26. 凭着乃父的钱财,那丑女也有了主。

    The plain girl is in the marriage marked by virtue of her father 's wealth .

  27. 是一个丑女的第一次,好过是一个美女的第一百次。

    It is better to be first with an ugly woman than the hundredth with a beauty .

  28. 带着大黑边眼镜,穿着很不合时宜的衣服的一个丑女形象。

    Wearing big black-framed glasses and dressed in ostentatiously unfashionable clothes , she is an ugly girl .

  29. 说教的男人通常是个伪善者,而说教的女人则必定是个丑女。做作的仁慈或者自以为有道德,伪善。

    A man who moralize is usually a hypocrite , and a women who moralize is invariably plain .

  30. 说教的男人通常是个伪善者,而说教的女人则必定是丑女。

    A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite , and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain .