
  1. 真为你感到惭愧,竟然会打自己哥哥女朋友的主意。

    Shame on you , being interested in your own brother 's girlfriend .

  2. 我要你打电话给他女朋友。

    I dare you to call his girlfriend .

  3. 我打给了我女朋友,她觉得我疯了。

    I called my girlfriend , and she thought I was crazy , he said .

  4. 这间厨房里只有两个生物不打喷嚏,就是女厨师和一只大猫,那只猫正趴在炉子旁,咧着嘴笑哩。

    The only things in the kitchen that did not sneeze , were the cook , and a large cat which was sitting on the hearth and grinning from ear to ear .

  5. 我要做的就是赶紧回家,锁好门,拿出棒球球棒,然后打电话给我女朋友,也可能打给999,告诉他们有令人毛骨悚然的恶作剧者正开着车潜伏在我们镇上……

    All I had to do was get home , lock my doors , get a baseball bat , ring my girlfriend and maybe 999 and warn them of creepy prankster motorists stalking my town ...