
  • 网络The Tinder-Box;The Tinder Box;THE TINDERBOX
  1. “你取到打火匣没有?”巫婆问。

    " Have you got the tinder-box ?" asked the witch .

  2. 有一天晚上天很黑。他连一根蜡烛也买不起。这时他忽然记起,自己还有一根蜡烛头装在那个打火匣里——巫婆帮助他到那空树底下取出来的那个打火匣。

    One dark evening , he had not even a penny to buy a candle ; then all at once he remembered that there was a piece of candle stuck in the tinder-box , which he had brought from the old tree , into which the witch had helped him .

  3. 我只要你替我把那个旧打火匣取出来。那是我祖母上次忘掉在那里面的。

    Only promise to bring me an old tinder-box , which my grandmother left behind the last time she went down there .

  4. “这与你没有什么相干,”巫婆反驳他说,“你已经得到钱&你只消把打火匣交给我好了。”

    " That is nothing to you ," replied the witch ;" you have the money , now give me the tinder-box . "

  5. 然后把那个打火匣放在衣袋里,一直向城里走去。

    and slung it on his back like a bundle , put the tinderbox in his pocket , and walked off to the nearest town .

  6. 这句话听起来可真不是好玩的,而且他把打火匣也忘掉在旅馆里。

    This words sounds and can is not really good to play of , and he beat the fire box to also forget in the hotel .

  7. 嗨,那里面可够黑暗和闷人啦!人们对他说:“明天你就要上绞架了。”这句话听起来可真不是好玩的,而且他把打火匣也忘掉在旅馆里。

    Oh , how dark and disagreeable it was as he sat there , and the people said to him , " To-morrow you will be hanged . " It was not very pleasant news , and besides , he had left the tinder-box at the inn .