
  1. 对不起,我想你打错了。

    I 'm sorry , I think you have the wrong number .

  2. B:对不起,您打错了。

    Mr.B : I 'm sorry , you 've dialed the wrong number .

  3. match属性中的元素名打错了

    A typo in the element name in a match attribute

  4. 写这个主题时,我打错了好几次。

    While creating the topic , I type wrongly several times .

  5. 我也很抱歉,打错了

    Yes , I 'm sorry , too . Wrong number .

  6. 或者在听筒截获的唐突的“打错了”?

    A curt " wrong number " caught in the receiver ?

  7. 时间状语从句,我打错了。

    Before is adverbial clause of time , I think .

  8. 告诉跟你在一起的那个人,打错了。

    Tell the person you 're with this is a wrong number .

  9. 很抱歉,我想你打错了

    I 'm sorry , I think you got the wrong number .

  10. 你的算盘太小,也打错了。

    Your thinking is too small , also miscalculated the .

  11. 谁的电话打错了

    Who was on the phone ? Wrong number .

  12. 对不起,你肯定打错了电话。

    Sorry , you must have a wrong number .

  13. 例2:我希望你仔细地考虑一下,不要打错了算盘。

    Ex.2 : I advise you to think it over , don 't miscalculate .

  14. 打错了?你确定吗?我昨天打这个号码她还在呢。

    Wrong number ? Are you sure ? I called yesterday and she was there .

  15. 她无意中打错了电话。

    She inadvertently telephoned the wrong person .

  16. 不过我认为你同你儿子在内华达州的问题上全打错了算盘。

    But I think you and your son are all wrong with this Nevada business .

  17. 我打错了,谢谢提醒!

    Thank you for your remind !

  18. 打字员打错了一个地方。

    The typist made a mistake .

  19. 好,既然是我打错了号码,那你又为什么接了这电话?

    Well , if I call the wrong number , why do you answer the phone ?

  20. 是,但是你打错了.B:对不起。

    A : Yes , but you have the wrong number . B : I 'm sorry .

  21. 他们可能打错了算盘。

    They could be wrong .

  22. 我想您打错了。我建议您查一下电话簿。

    I 'm afraid you have the wrong number . I suggest you look in the phone book .

  23. 你打错了.对不起,我一定是拨错了。

    You have got the wrong number . ( I 'm sorry . I must have misdialed . )

  24. 曾拿起话筒和对方短促地说了句“打错了”?——但我知道答案。

    a curt " wrong number " caught in the receiver ? - but I know the answer .

  25. 她往好处想以为两人有思想和情趣的共鸣,可是她打错了算盘。

    She fancied there was a sympathy of thought and taste between them , in which fancy she was mistaken .

  26. 这是你刚才拨的号码,我想你可能打错了。

    Callee : This is the same number you just called . I think you 're calling the wrong number .

  27. 断开的骨头两端错位。这位建筑商打错了算盘。

    Fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another . The builder was wrong .

  28. 恺打错了主意:她试图蛮横无礼,其实演这样的角色,她是不适合的。

    Kay had made the mistake of trying to be cruelly flippant , a role to which she was not suited .

  29. 不过他无意中打错了电邮地址,在没有意识到有错的情况下,他把电邮发出去。

    However , he accidentally typed a wrong email address , and without realizing his error , he sent out thee-mail .

  30. 要完成这个项目他现在有大问题了,因为那地基打错了。

    has some troubles finishing this project because the foundation was not set up correctly . have much trouble to keep out of debt .