
  • 网络Happier
  1. 研究显示把钱花在别人身上的人感觉比较幸福。

    Studies show that people who spend their money on others feel happier .

  2. 研究显示,一个年轻时就比较幸福的人走进婚姻殿堂和保持美满婚姻的可能性较大。

    Studies have shown that individuals who are already happier when they are young have a higher probability of becoming and remaining married .

  3. 讲述他们结识的故事时笑逐颜开眉飞色舞的夫妇通常都过得比较幸福。

    Couples who are expansive when recounting their stories have a better chance of living happily ever after .

  4. 结果表明,少数民族群众的主观幸福感属于中上程度,总体上感到比较幸福。

    The results showed that the subjective well being of ethnic minorities is moderate and they are relatively happy on the whole .

  5. 盖洛普指,这些国家的国民基本需要得到较大满足,所以比较幸福。

    Gallup pointed out that national basic needs in these countries have been met to a large extent , so people feel happy .

  6. 研究者早就通过比较幸福和悲伤的个体揭示出了情绪在多大程度上会影响认知活动。

    By comparing the perception processing of happiness individual and sadness individual , researchers already realized the emotion influence on perception processing Researchers already reveals how will affect cognitive activity .

  7. 大多数年轻人认为自己的生活总体上比较幸福,但同时存在着一些种族上的差异。调查显示,白人比黑人和美籍西班牙人幸福。

    While most young people are happy overall with the way their lives are going , there are racial differences : the poll shows whites to be happier than blacks and Hispanics .

  8. 对效标样本的测试表明,实证效度均达到规定标准。(3)高中教师的职业幸福感水平处于一般和比较幸福之间。

    The test of criterion sample indicates empirical validity arrives at established standard . ( 3 ) The occupational well-being level of high school teachers was between generally and comparatively happy . ( 4 ) A total of 235 high school teachers were measured repeatedly by using cross-lagged longitudinal design .

  9. 而尽管把钱花在他们自己身上的人不见得会变得比较不幸福,他们的幸福程度是不变的。

    And while people who spend on themselves dont necessarily become less happy , their happiness is unchanged .

  10. 虽然跟上琼斯是美国文化的一部分,但是拿自己和别人比较会破坏幸福感和影响自尊。

    While keeping up with the Joneses is part of American culture , comparing ourselves with others can be damaging to Happiness and self-esteem .

  11. 本研究将重点对大学生的自我体像、社会比较与主观幸福感三者之间做出初步探讨。

    The study centers on the relationship among self-body image , social comparison and subjective well-being . College students are chosen as major subjects and a primary discussion is made .

  12. 心理控制源与大学生自我发展行为方式:社会比较倾向和主观幸福感的中介影响

    Locus of Control and University Student Elf-development Behavior Way : The Mediator Effects of Social Comparison Orientation and Subjective Well-being

  13. 但是我不喜欢这一种比较得来的幸福,我觉得太残酷了。

    But no , we are only lucky enough to land on an abundant country , a place that resources of the earth concentrated .

  14. 尽管各国内部,收入与幸福关系紧密,但将一个国家纵向比较,或者两国同期横向比较,收入与幸福两者间,则似乎关系不大。

    Although income and well-being were closely correlated within countries , there seemed to be little relationship between the two when measured over time or between countries .

  15. 目的:1.修订宽恕量表;2.了解并比较研究生、本科生、初中生三群体的宽恕状况;3.比较三群体的幸福感状况;4.探索三群体宽恕与幸福感之间的关系。

    Purpose : 1 . Revise the Forgiveness Scale ; 2 . Summarize and compare the status of three groups ' forgiveness among graduate students , undergraduate students and junior students ; 3 . Compare the status of Well-being among different of three groups ; 4 .