
  • 网络the game plan;gameplan
  1. 我们几乎48分钟都在坚决执行比赛计划

    we stuck to the game plan as close to 48 minutes as possible

  2. 因为穆里尼奥所使用的比赛计划,德罗巴的比赛风格使他变得不可替代。

    Drogba 's style of play , however , makes him irreplaceable because of the game plan that Jose Mourinho employs .

  3. 这场比赛计划作为世界杯决赛阶段的热身赛。

    The competition is planned as a dry run for the World Cup finals .

  4. Q:但是对于战术或者比赛计划方面我可能思考的比较多。

    Q : But I was even thinking more along the lines of strategy or game plan decisions .

  5. 中国队和NBA明星队之间的比赛计划周五晚上在首钢篮球馆举行。

    The charity game between the Chinese national team and the NBA Stars is scheduled for Friday evening , at the Shougang Basketball Centre Gymnasium .

  6. 在完成她第1个马拉松之后2009年Illinois马拉松,成绩2:55Kennihan实施了一个不间断的比赛计划,荣获赛事前三,或年龄组第一。

    After winning her first marathon the2009 Illinois Marathon in2:55 Kennihan took on a nonstop racing schedule , pushing herself to place in the top three overall or to win her age group .

  7. 这是他和伍德制订的比赛计划的一部分。

    This was part of his and Wood 's game plan .

  8. 我的比赛计划是服用一咬一次。

    My game plan is taking it a bite at a time .

  9. 我们的足球比赛计划因大雨而受阻。

    Our plan for a football match was thwarted by the heavy rain .

  10. 只要我确定自己的局限是什么,就会对比赛计划做出相应调整。

    Once I established my limitations , I 'd adjust my game plan accordingly .

  11. 他努力指定并执行比赛计划,并为每一场比赛做好准备。

    He works hard at developing and executing game plans and preparing the team for each game .

  12. 我们就该怎么打,如果情况不是这样,那么我们在第三场就会把这个比赛计划给踢出去。

    That 's how we got to play . If it 's not there , kicking it out for threes .

  13. 当然这很困难,但一定要想办法去更好的实施你的比赛计划和你每一拍的击球之中去。

    This is difficult , of course , but try to think of ways to execute your shots and game plan .

  14. 昨晚我们把他换下场是预防万一,他在我明天的比赛计划中。

    We took him off last night but it was only a precaution and he 'll feature in my thinking for tomorrow .

  15. 建设内容:奥运会比赛计划使用场馆37个,其中北京地区32个,京外地区5个。

    Status : 37 venues will be used for Olympic competitions , 32 of which in Beijing and 5 of which outside the city .

  16. 有效掌握了竞争情报,就可以有针对性地制定比赛计划,更好为比赛服务。

    Having information about competition in hand effectively will be able to draw plans for match directly and serve matches in a better way .

  17. 从他们传球来看,你能知道那不勒斯是个很棒的球队,但我们有自己的比赛计划并且也做到了。

    You could tell Napoli are a good team by the way they moved the ball about but we had a game plan and it worked .

  18. 因此,分析体育环境中的气象、气候等因素对体育运动的影响,对拟定运动训练和比赛计划、选择各种运动装备、提高运动成绩和防止运动创伤等具有重要意义。

    They are of great significance to the training and competition planning , selecting sport facilities , improving competition achievements and preventing sports injury to analyses the influence of atmosphere and climate on sports .

  19. 曼联知道自己不被看好,但弗格森爵士的球队并没有做足够的演练,他们没有一个切实可行的比赛计划。

    United knew they were underdogs and said they did not mind , but Sir Alex Ferguson 's sides do not get much practice at springing surprises on superior opponents , and they had no workable gameplan here .

  20. 对手的父母和粉丝对着这个男孩尖叫,就好像他是某种怪物,仅仅因为他的体型和笨拙。其他球队正在制定比赛计划,要打他、抓他、挠他,直到他发脾气为止。

    Opposing parents and fans screamed at this boy as if he were some kind of monster simply because of his size and ungainliness . Other teams were forming game plans to beat , scratch , and claw him until he lost his temper .

  21. 作为曼联惨败的结果,费迪南德取消了乘私人飞机去温布利观看坦帕湾海盗和芝加哥熊之间的NFL比赛的计划。

    As a result of Manchester United 's abject display , Ferdinand cancelled a planned post-match trip to Wembley to watch the NFL clash between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears .

  22. 为了确保比赛按计划进行,NuMat首席技术官克里斯•威尔莫表示,他提前检查了所有练习室,对视频设备进行测试。

    To make sure it all went according to plan , numat CTO Chris Wilmer says he went around to all the practice rooms beforehand to test the video equipment .

  23. 这是否影响到你比赛训练计划?

    And is it affecting your training for the fight ?

  24. 这个球队没有领袖,没有方向,没有比赛的计划。

    There was no leadership , no direction , no clear game plan .

  25. 是的,因为比赛原计划是连续几天举行的。

    Yes , because the competition was scheduled to be played over consecutive days .

  26. 题意为:因为所有的事情都要考虑,所以比赛的计划将要推迟。

    Because all the things need to be considered , the planned match will have to be put off .

  27. 合法化的支持者长期以来一直认为,监管会带来透明度,有助于根除操纵比赛的计划。

    Proponents of legalization have long argued that regulation leads to transparency , which helps root out game-fixing schemes .

  28. 拉法在为本周末对阵布莱克本的比赛制定计划,但他并未将库依特排除在计划之外。

    Rafael Benitez hasn 't ruled Dirk Kuyt out of his plans for this weekend 's Premiership clash with Blackburn .

  29. 这即将发生改变,德州的奥斯汀市将在11月举办比赛并计划将于2013年6月在新泽西举办大奖赛。

    That will soon change , with Austin , Texas , hosting a race in November and plans for a Grand Prix in New Jersey in June 2013 .

  30. 尽管天气很坏,足球比赛还是按计划进行。

    The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it .