
  • 网络Competitive ability;all round play
  1. CUBA若干技术指标与队员比赛能力的分析和探讨

    An Analytical Investigation of some Statistical Data and the Match competence of CUBA

  2. 运用RSR原理对广东宏远男篮2003年常规赛比赛能力的综合分析

    A RSR comprehensive research upon the competitiveness of Guangdong Hongyuan Man 's basketball team in 2003 regular

  3. 运用RSR秩和比数学原理对亚洲男篮锦标赛各队比赛能力进行综合评价,界定亚洲各国男篮比赛能力在亚洲所处的位置。

    By applying the method of RSR , the mathematical principle , the author tries to evaluate comprehensively the competitive capability of each national team in the 22nd Men 's Basketball Championship of Asia .

  4. 运动员的比赛能力与赛前训练安排得合理性有十分密切的关系。

    There is close relationship between pre-competition training and competitive capability .

  5. 说明我国锋卫摇摆人的比赛能力还很不足。

    Shows that China swingman is still less than the competition ability .

  6. 中国篮球大超联赛八强组织后卫比赛能力的研究

    Chinese Super League Quarter-final College Basketball Team Competition Ability of the Guard

  7. 运动技能学习原理与运动员临场比赛能力的强化

    Principle of motor learning for improving competitive ability of athletes in action

  8. 田径运动员的赛前训练与比赛能力

    Pre-competition Training and Competitive Capability of Track and Field Athletes

  9. 论新奥林匹克淘汰赛制下我国射箭运动员比赛能力的培养

    Cultivation of Chinese Archer Athletes ' On-the-Spot Competitive Abilities under New Olympic Round

  10. 2003年甲A男篮联赛中北京首钢队比赛能力的综合评价分析

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Motor Skills in 2003 Shou-gang Men 's Basketball League A

  11. 表象训练对提高高校体育专业学生足球比赛能力作用的研究

    A Research on Imagery Training to Improve University Sports Students ' Soccer Match Capacity

  12. 第15届世界锦标赛中国运动员比赛能力的综合评价

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Chinese Players'Ability in the 15th World Men 's Basketball Tournament

  13. 从14届世界男篮锦标赛对我国后卫队员比赛能力的分析

    Research on the Competitive Ability of Guards in the 14th Man World Basketball Championship Match

  14. 第29届奥运会男子篮球后卫队员身高与比赛能力研究

    Study on the Guard 's Height and Play Abilities in the 29th Olympic Men Basketball Games

  15. 问:你说过阿加西需要提高自己的比赛能力才能够击败你。

    Q.You said Andre is going to have to really raise his game to beat you .

  16. 智力因素和非智力因素在现代竞技运动竞赛中具有重要价值作用,它是构成高水平运动员比赛能力的重要因素。

    Intelligence and non-intelligence are important valuable factors in developing the competitive ability of high-level athletes .

  17. 高校短跑赛前训练与比赛能力探讨

    A Probe into the Training before Competition and Racing Ability of College Short - distance Runners

  18. 足球初级裁判员临场控制比赛能力的分析研究

    Primary energy Analytic study of primary referees ' ability to control the match on the spot

  19. 乔治因踢了对方球员企图使他丧失比赛能力而受到重罚。

    George was severely punished for kicking an opponent in an attempt to put him out of action .

  20. 高校篮球专修课教学加强思维能力的训练,有利于培养学生篮球意识,提高篮球技、战术水平和比赛能力。

    In the required course of basketball , time is devoted to training the ability and consciousness of basketball playing .

  21. 通过训练,我们想看到我们的训练成果,更强的比赛能力。

    We want to train , and then we want to see our training pay off with a strong race effort .

  22. 运动教育模式教学有利于提高排球运动的学习能力、比赛能力、参与兴趣和学习自觉性,从而提高排球选项课的教学效果。

    It shows that the sports teaching model can advance the positive effect of volleyball elective course by improving their studying ability .

  23. 如何合理地安排赛前训练,提高运动员的比赛能力,这是当前教练员和体育科研人员十分关注的问题。

    How to arrange pre-competition training rationally and improve the capability is paid a great attention by the coaches and researchers now .

  24. 研究从运动机能学习原理的角度提出了提高运动员临场比赛能力的训练方法,以期为运动员训练和比赛提供一定的参考。

    It puts forward the corresponding training methods so as to give stLbstantial reference value for improving competitive ability of athletes in action .

  25. 实验前后对两组学生的身体素质、基本技术和比赛能力进行测试,并将得到的数据进行对比分析。

    Before and after the experiment on two groups of students ' physical quality , basic technology and competition ability test , and compare the data analysis .

  26. 实验表明:“领会教学法”教学符合现代篮球运动的内在要求和技能学习规律,在学生技术掌握、比赛能力、认知能力以及提高自信心等方面收到良好效果;

    From one year ′ s practice , it can be made an inference that accord with the internal demand of modern basketball and the law of learning skills ;

  27. 通过对足球初级裁判员临场控制比赛能力的研究,提出了加快提高执裁水平,更好地适应现代足球运动发展的措施。

    This paper studies their control ability in football matches on the spot , hoping to improve primary referees'level to meet the needs of the development of modern football .

  28. 运用秩和比评价法研究分析韩国女篮在第27届奥运会上的比赛能力,旨在为我国女篮的复兴提供参考。

    With the evaluating method of RSR and mathematics , the thesis analyses the competitive ability of women 's basketball team of South Korea , which participated the 27th Olympic Games .

  29. 实验结果显示:图示引导教法在提高学生排球战术理论知识、排球比赛能力、排球四攻系统运动表象水平等方面明显优于常规教法。

    Experiments showed that in respects of improving students ' theoretical knowledge of tactics , capability in competition , and image of the four-attacks system , graphic instruction teaching method was obviously superior to conventional teaching method .

  30. 我国现行赛制不足是影响教练员重训练轻竞赛训练理念形成的关键所在,也是造成我国运动员与世界优秀运动员在运动成绩表现特征及比赛能力等方面存在明显差异的主要原因。

    The system causes the coaches to lay too much importance on training and less attention to competitions , which is a major reason for the differences of performance and competition ability between Chinese swimmers and top international swimmers .