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  1. 她看上去比三十几岁的时候胖多了。

    She looks much fatter than she did in her thirties .

  2. 虽然年轻人的死亡率比六七十岁的老人要低,但由于他们占了Facebook用户中的大部分,因而死去的年轻人的数量还是和死去的老年人的数量差不多。

    Young people have a much lower death rate than people in their 60s or 70s , but they make up a substantial share of the dead on Facebook simply because there have been so many of them using it . An elderly Cory Doctorow cosplaying by wearing what the future thinks he wore in the past .

  3. 我现在觉得我比18岁的时候还年轻。

    I feel younger now than I ever felt when I was18 .

  4. 说谎原因:29岁听起来比30岁要年轻多了。

    Because 29 is like 20 years younger than 30 .

  5. 一般地说,二十岁的足球队员比四十岁的强。

    Generally speaking , a footballer of20 is better than one of40 .

  6. 而60岁的男人可能比20岁的小伙子更多地拥有这种胆识和气质。

    This often exists in a man of60 more than a boy of20 .

  7. 他看起来比四十二岁还老。

    God , he looked older than forty-two .

  8. 刚入学的六岁儿童比七岁儿童在心理方面有点准备不足。

    Psychological preparation of the six-year-old children a little worse than the seven-year-old children .

  9. 40岁的人在能力上显然比30岁的人强一些。

    The average man of40 had appreciably more on the ball than the person of30 .

  10. 它们比四岁的孩子要聪明多了。

    They 're smarter than a four-year-old .

  11. 对,那要比28岁还在这里工作惨多了。

    Yeah , that 'd be much worse than being 28 , and still working here .

  12. 3岁的儿童比2岁儿童更关注物体形状。

    The children of three years old were more shape-biased than those of two years old .

  13. 调查显示,30以下的年轻人能记得的生日和电话号码比50岁以上的人少。

    The under-30s could remember fewer birthdays and numbers than the over-50s , according to the survey .

  14. 钱德勒:对,那是要比28岁了还在这里工作糟糕多了。

    Chandler : Yeah , that 'd be much worse than being 28 , and still working here .

  15. 天啊!本人感觉她看上去比客岁更好!

    Paddy M says : Divine ! I think she looks even better than she did last year !

  16. 当时作为四十多岁的人,发现皮肤痘痘状况比十几岁时还要差,真的觉得非常尴尬!

    Being in my40 's it was embarrassing having worse skin now than when I was a teen .

  17. 他修剪整齐的胡子里冒出几缕白丝,看起来比三十五岁的实际年龄要老些。

    His closely trimmed beard was shot with white , making him look older than his thirty-five years .

  18. 英俊又温文尔雅,他看上去比43岁的实际年龄和大银幕上的形象要年轻得多。

    Fine-featured and soft-spoken , he looked much more youthful than his 43 years and his current onscreen persona .

  19. 好的投资能让你在40岁时就得到财务上的解脱,这比60岁退休要好得多。

    Good investments can be the difference between retiring in your 40 " s or in your 60 " s.

  20. 9岁儿童比5岁、7岁儿童更好地理解做梦是不可控的心理过程。

    In contrast to 5-year-olds and 7-year-olds , 9-year-olds were better at realizing that dreaming was an uncontrollable process .

  21. 30-39岁组下岗人员比40-49岁组感到自己更能控制环境变化。

    The subjects at the age of 30-39 perceived that they could control their emotions better than those of 40-49 .

  22. 有知情人说,赛琳娜喜欢上艾德是因为他比19岁的贾斯汀比伯成熟很多。

    Another insider said that Selena is smitten with Ed because he is much more mature than Justin , 19 .

  23. 调查显示,40岁以上的人患病率比40岁以下的人更高。

    People above 40 years old have higher rates than people who are under 40 , according to the survey .

  24. 这是因为人到了四五十岁时,酒精的影响比二三十岁的时候更厉害。

    That 's because alcohol hits people harder in their 40s and 50s than it did during their 20s and 30s .

  25. 25岁和65岁的人群都赞同25岁比65岁好。

    Both the 25 year-old and 65 year-old might agree that it is nicer to be 25 than to be 65 .

  26. 此外,对一个四十岁的人来说,准备起来当然要比二十岁的时候困难得多。

    Besides , when a man is forty , it is harder to get into condition than when he is twenty .

  27. 所以,年轻人比55岁以上的人更易患偏头痛和感冒,而且更容易焦虑。

    As a result , the young are more likely to have migraines , catch a cold or become stressed than the over-55s .

  28. 钱德勒:对,那是要比28岁了还在这里工作糟糕多了。冈瑟:瑞秋?

    Chandler : Yeah , that 'd be much worse than being 28 , and still working here . 3 Gunther : Rachel ?

  29. 现年30岁的李娜说,她比20岁的对手多出10年经验,这使她掌控了比赛。

    The 30 year-old said her extra decade of experience over her 20 year-old opponent enabled her to take control of the match .

  30. 研究人员发现,20岁后半期和30岁出头的女性比18-19岁面带稚气的女孩更具吸引力。

    Women in their late 20s and early 30s are considered more attractive than fresh-faced eighteen and nineteen year olds , researchers found .