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  1. 付出了代价每次都要把这些脱下来真是烦啊

    I hate having to take these off every time .

  2. 最有希望的赢得首相职位的鲍里斯·约翰逊今晨宣称“恐惧计划已经结束”,并力图向英国人民再次保证养老金不会变、英镑和市场不会震荡,并向全国宣称:“脱欧真的是一个非常好的消息!”

    The favourite to win the top job , Boris Johnson , declared ' thatProject Fearis over ' this morning as he sought to reassure Britain that pensions were safe , the pound and markets were stable and told the nation : ' That 's all very good news ' .