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suǒ zhī
  • Known;acquaintance;what one knows
所知 [suǒ zhī]
  • (1) [knowledge]∶已掌握的知识

  • 所知不多

  • (2) [acquaintance]∶指相识的人

  • 他所知的只是有限的几个人

  1. 我对现代诗所知甚少。

    I had little acquaintance with modern poetry .

  2. 我对他的作品所知不多。

    My acquaintance with his works is slight .

  3. 就我们所知,没有什么要担心的。

    As far as we knew , there was no cause for concern .

  4. 据我所知,他从未立过遗嘱。

    He never made a will , to the best of my knowledge .

  5. 就我所知,那是真实情况。

    That 's the truth , in so far as I know it .

  6. 以往很多年我们对于中国国内的生活情况所知甚少。

    For years we had little knowledge of what life was like inside China .

  7. 对于最小的儿子一般所知甚少,据推测他已经夭亡。

    Little is known of the youngest son ; it is presumed that he died young .

  8. 这种药并不是什么新发现——多年前便为人所知。

    The drug is not a new discovery ─ it 's been known about for years .

  9. 关于此事我所知不多,所以觉得没资格评论。

    I don 't know much about it , so I don 't feel qualified to comment .

  10. 据我所知,他在报道中毫不留情地批评了初审法官。

    I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge

  11. 随着故事的发展,更多有关她不同寻常的过去的细节开始为人所知。

    More details surfaced of her colourful past as the story developed .

  12. 她不适合这种场合,对社交礼仪所知甚少。

    She didn 't fit in and she had few social graces .

  13. 正如我们所知,改革是革命的大敌。

    Reform , as we know , is the enemy of revolution .

  14. 据我所知,陪审团的成员中从未有过专业人员。

    I know of no professional person who has ever sat on a jury

  15. 据我所知,贾森算得上是个好人。

    As far as I can tell , Jason is basically a nice guy

  16. 据我所知,它仅仅维持了两三年。

    It only lasted a couple of years , as far as I know

  17. 这一消息应该为公众所知。

    This information should be in the public domain .

  18. 他向我们展示了这一运动不为我们所知的那些方面。

    He showed us aspects of the game that we had never seen before

  19. 她因在电影中饰演了一些配角而在意大利为人所知。

    She is known in Italy for a number of minor roles in films

  20. 甲壳虫乐队于20世纪60年代初为世人所知。

    The Beatles were discovered in the early 1960 's.

  21. 据我所知亚历克从来不带枪。

    Alec never carried a gun to my knowledge

  22. 据我所知,我们俩都没有受到监视。

    As far as I could tell , neither of us was under observation .

  23. 据我所知,格洛丽亚没这么说过。

    To the best of my knowledge , Gloria did not make these comments .

  24. 人们对鱼类等自然资源的总储备量所知甚少。

    Only sketchy information exists on the stock of natural resources such as fish .

  25. “他结婚了吗?”——“据我所知没有。”

    ' Is he married ? ' — ' Not that I know of . '

  26. 据我所知,他刚走出大学校门就开始投机取巧。

    From what I 've heard he started wheeling and dealing fresh out of college .

  27. 总统承认据他所知迄今为止还没有反叛者投降。

    The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far

  28. 据我所知,他想通过举办节庆活动来筹款。

    From what I could gather , he was trying to raise money by organising festivals .

  29. 据我所知,安东尼经手的金融交易一直是公开透明的。

    All I knew about were Antony 's own financial dealings , which were always above board .

  30. 据我所知,他的话可能有一点儿道理。

    For all I know , there may be a kernel of truth in what he says .