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sāo tóu
  • scratch one's head ;perplexing
  • hairpin;hair clasp
搔头 [sāo tóu]
  • (1) [scratch one's head]∶挠头,心绪烦乱或有所思的动作

  • (2) [hair clasp]∶古代指簪子

  • 玉搔头

  1. 这案件头绪纷繁,很是搔头。

    This case is most complicated and perplexing .

  2. 汤姆搔搔头,想出一个好主意。

    Scratching his head , Tom thought of a good idea .

  3. 那个学生回答问题前搔搔头。

    The student scratched his head before answering the question .

  4. 他搔搔头,皱皱眉,但还是想不出一个好办法。

    He scratched his head and knitted his brows , but could not come up with a good plan .

  5. 他没同军官们打招呼,搔了搔头,请挡路的人让他过去。

    He did not greet the officers , but scratching himself , he asked them to move to let him pass .

  6. 清单上的幸福小事还包括从牙齿缝里挑出了一颗吃爆米花时卡住的玉米壳,在背心上挠痒痒或者搔搔头,还有非常干渴的时候喝下第一口饮料时沁爽的感受。

    These included extracting a popcorn kernel lodged in the teeth , back and head scratches , and also the satisfying first sip of a drink when thirsty 。

  7. 其实冰棍也不坏,哈利心里想。他一面舔冰棍,一面观赏一只正在搔头的大猩猩,这只大猩猩跟达力长得像极了,只不过它的毛发不是金色的。

    It wasn 't bad , either , Harry thought , licking it as they watched a gorilla scratching its head who looked remarkably like Dudley , except that it wasn 't blond .
