
sāo yǎng
  • pruritus;titillation;titillate;scratch where it itches;scratch the pruritus
搔痒 [sāo yǎng]
  • (1) [titillate]∶刺激使觉得痒

  • (2) [scratch the pruritus;scratch where it itches]∶用某种尖而粗糙的东西擦自己的身体以解除痒的感觉

搔痒[sāo yǎng]
  1. 多为霉菌性阴道炎的典型现象,常伴有严重的外阴搔痒。

    Many for mycotic vaginitis 's typical phenomenon , often is accompanied by the serious vulva titillation .

  2. 色黄或黄绿,粘稠或呈泡沫状,有臭味,大多为阴道炎症所致,其中以滴虫性阴道炎最为常见,多有外阴搔痒。

    Color yellow or olivine , sticks thick or assumes the foaming state , has the stink , mostly for vagina inflammation result , is most common by the infusorium vaginitis , has the vulva titillation .

  3. CO2波导激光治疗外阴搔痒症

    CO_2 Waveguide Laser Application for the Treatment of Pruritus Vulvae-A Report of 38 Cases

  4. CO2和He-Ne激光治疗外阴皮肤搔痒症215例

    Therapy of 215 cases of vulva pruritus

  5. 你说你tickledpink?Tickle是搔痒的意思,pink是粉红色,你是说这道菜太辣了?

    To be tickled pink by something is to be really pleased by it .

  6. 各组的恶心、呕吐发生率似无明显差异,只有BM组出现皮肤搔痒。

    The incidences of nausea and vomiting in all groups were similar . Only 8 patients in group BM complained skin itching .

  7. 本文讨论了PTH水平与钙磷代谢、肾性骨病、肾性贫血、皮肤搔痒的关系。

    The relationship between serum PTH and the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus , renal osteopathy , renal anemia and pruritus was discussed .

  8. 即使是果蝇这种低等生物,在它们感染螨虫时,也会出现一种跟搔痒看起来颇为相似的“强力梳理行为(robustgroomingbehaviors)”,加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)的细胞和发育生物学助理教授戴安娜·鲍蒂斯塔(DianaBautista)说。

    Even fruit flies engage in " robust grooming behaviors " that look a lot like scratching when they are infected with mites , said Diana Bautista , an assistant professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of California , Berkeley .

  9. 因此,对羊搔痒症、BSE或CJD疾病的确定仍旧依赖于可疑个体死后变性组织的成像分析,这常常产生延迟反应,可能导致流行病的爆发并造成重大的经济损失。

    For this reason , the confirmation of scrapie , BSE , or CJD still relies on the postmortem imaging analysis of degenerated tissues for the suspected individuals . This analysis may lead to late response . Pandemic outbreak may occur and with important economic consequences .

  10. 绵羊的搔痒病因子可能也是类病毒。

    The scrapie agent in sheep may be similar to viroids .

  11. 小孩赖床时,轻轻搔痒他的脚,逗他笑。

    Gently tickled the children 's feet and made them laugh .

  12. 并自认为用爪子搔痒。

    And he says as he scratches himself with his claws .

  13. 而且以搔痒来消遣。国王加上一句。

    " And scratches himself for amusement ," added the king .

  14. 部分患者存在顽固的搔痒,期待临床新的方法。

    Some patients has intractable itch and hope for clinic new methods .

  15. 以皮肤上出现搔痒疣结为特征的真菌感染。

    A fungal infection characterized by itchy warty nodules on the skin .

  16. 癌症疗法和止痛片象吗啡也可以引起搔痒。

    Cancer treatments and strong painkillers like morphine can also cause itchiness .

  17. 急性湿疹的损害为多形性,自觉灼热和搔痒。

    The symptom of the acute eczema is hot feeling and itching .

  18. 症状为搔痒症、胆汁淤积、肝硬化和生长迟缓。

    Symptoms included pruritus , cholestasis , liver cirrhosis , and growth retardation .

  19. 术后黄疸消退,皮肤搔痒等症状缓解。

    Some symptoms such as jaundice and cutaneous pruritus were alleviated gradely postoperation .

  20. 屋子里注的房客也在打哈欠,或是在替自己搔痒。

    The occupants of the rooms are yawning too , or else scratching themselves .

  21. 有搔痒、舐毛、打瞌睡等动作;

    It scratches , licks or dozes off .

  22. 如果你用手搔痒了,就可能已经把皮肤挠破。

    And if you 've been scratching , that skin may already be broken .

  23. 皮肤康洗液治疗老年性外阴搔痒症临床观察

    Clinical observation on elderly external genitalia Pruritus Treated by cutaneous kang - Xi solution

  24. 不在公共场合打嗝或搔痒

    Doesn 't belch or scratch in public

  25. 一种用来治疗过敏反应(例如鼻炎、皮炎或搔痒症)的抗组胺药物。

    An antihistamine used to treat allergic responses ( as rhinitis or dermatitis or pruritus ) .

  26. 即使有遮光剂保护,有时候皮肤也会出现灼烧感,伴有疼痛或搔痒的小水泡。

    Sometimes even sunscreen-protected skin reacts to sunlight with a burning sensation , itching or painful blisters .

  27. 净化伤口,抗搔痒,对化脓、灼伤、癣疮、晒伤、香港脚、头皮屑有特效。

    Purification wounds , anti-itching , suppuration , burns , ringworm sores , sunburn , Hong Kong legs .

  28. 而且患湿疹的可能性也相对少,湿疹是一种皮肤过敏性反应,可引起红斑和搔痒。

    They also were less likely to have eczema , a common allergy skin condition that causes red patches and itching .

  29. 房间里一片寂静,半明半暗;搔痒使我清醒,使我的神经兴奋;

    The room is quiet and in half-darkness , but the tickling has touched my nerves and I begin to awake .

  30. 最常见的反应有皮肤出疹、皮肤搔痒、呼吸困难和面部等部位肿胀。

    The most common reactions include skin rashes , itching , breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face .
