
  • 网络suspending;suspension;epoche
  1. 为了对胡塞尔现象学中的悬搁概念进行澄清,运用现象学方法和文本分析的方法,对两种不同形式的自然态度进行了区分。

    In order to clarify the concept of epoche in Husserl 's phenomenology , the method of phenomenology and text analysis were applied to distinguishing two forms of natural attitude .

  2. 在时间与空间之关系上,则体现为空间上的暂时悬搁与此时的跌落;

    In terms of the relationship between time and space , time is represented by its temporal suspension and its temporal dropping-out ;

  3. 当今美学必须对以往的所有美学命题予以存疑,对传统美学的概念与方法予以悬搁;

    Relatively , the article suggests that traditional aesthetic theories be cleared up by negative logic and destructured .

  4. 通过严格的现象学程序,马里翁证明不仅礼物的给予者和接受者是可以被悬搁的,而且礼物本身的在场或者说持存性也是可以悬搁的。

    Doing by the most rigid phenomenological process , Marion attests that not only the giver and the given but the presence ( or the subsistance ) of the gift could be suspend .

  5. 悬搁中心命题并超越中心化思维方式,是重焕生态批评生命力的必要前提。

    It seemed to be two necessary premises to hang up the proposition of anthropocentrism and to surpass the thinking mode of " centrism " when we want to revive the vitality of ecocriticism .

  6. 其次,现象具有作为一个事件的特征,它无须依赖任何外在的机构就可以达到显现,无法召回也不可撤消地给出自身。这样,从给予者的角度看来,它又悬搁了接受者。

    Second , by the characteristics as the event , a phenomenon ascends to its apparition without dependence on any other term , it gives itself without recall and irrevocably , thus from the point of the giver , it brackets the given .

  7. 认为《二十四诗品》所描述的诗人经由近似于现象学悬搁与先验还原的反思道路之后,超越纯粹意识的操作性,获取以虚静人性为根柢的审美心胸;

    It is considered that the poet described in Er-shih-ssu shih-p'in experiences the process of reflection close to abstention from judgment and transcendental reduction of phenomenology , transcends the operation of pure consciousness , then achieves an aesthetic mind , which is planted in the serene personality .