
  • 网络chivalrous;chivalry
  1. 玛丽好像陶醉在他那旧式的骑士风度里。

    Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry .

  2. 他因他的骑士风度而受到景仰。

    He was admired for his chivalry .

  3. 现在的男人已经没有什么骑士风度了。

    Men are so little chivalrous now .

  4. (指男子)对女子谦恭有礼及体贴殷勤的,有骑士风度的

    ( of men ) courteous and considerate towards women ; gallant

  5. 泰伯摆出一副古代那种骑士风度的样子。

    Tabor took on the air of a knight of old .

  6. 在他身上有一种天生的骑士风度。

    He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him .

  7. 你的骑士风度真让我感动。

    I am truly moved by your chivalry .

  8. 男人就应该是个有骑士风度的男人。

    Men should be a chivalrous men .

  9. 在公开场合他总是很有骑士风度,会帮她穿上外套。

    In public he was always chivalrous and would help her on with her coat .

  10. 航船在暴风骤雨中几乎无法前进。现在的男人几乎没有什么骑士风度了。

    The ship made little headway in the storm . Men are so little chivalrous now .

  11. 年轻的男教师们也出了一番风头,现在的男人几乎没有什么骑士风度了。

    The young gentlemen teachers @ showed off @ , Men are so little chivalrous now .

  12. 让她挽着你的手臂。这是一个骑士风度,是一个主动接触的好方法。

    Offer her your arm . It 's chivalrous and also a good way to initiate contact .

  13. 所以用一只打火机、呼吸清新贴等其它必备物品来为现代骑士风度做好准备。

    So prepared yourself for modern-day knighthood with a lighter , some breath strips , and three other essentials .

  14. 骑士风度就是觉得你娶的女人比你泡的那些好。

    Chivalry is the notion that the girl you married is better than the ones you go out with .

  15. 如他们的名字所暗示的那样,这些贵族自小便接受军事训练,在所有事情上都表现出骑士风度。

    As their name implies these nobles are trained since childhood in the art of war and all things chivalrous as befitting a knight .

  16. 他很高兴地听到达兰爵士对国王说道”这孩子骑马的姿势有真正的骑士风度,陛下。我保证他身上有贵族血统。”

    He was pleased to hear the Lord Darrin say to the King , " The boy has a true horseman 's seat , Sire . I 'll warrant there 's noble blood in him . "

  17. 这才是南方骑士的风度。

    That was Southern chivalry .

  18. 真的,单凭了一种骑士般的风度,就能使我堕落到如此地步吗?

    Has this shell of a knight the power to pull me down so low ?

  19. 实现独立学院文凭独立:制度创新与政策引导真的,单凭了一种骑士般的风度,就能使我堕落到如此地步吗?

    Independent Colleges ' Diploma Independency : Institutional Innovation and Policy Instruction Has this shell of a knight the power to pull me down so low ?

  20. 崭新骑士装,骑士风度。

    The Brand-new knight costume enaBles you to have a knightly manner .

  21. 身着骑士装,令您具有骑士风度。

    If you wear knight costumes , you will certainly have a knightly manner .