
  • 网络a cubit
  1. 25你们中间谁能因忧虑使自己的身量多加一肘?

    And which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his stature ?

  2. 罩棚的幔子所余长的,这边一肘,那边一肘,要垂在帐幕的两旁,遮盖帐幕。

    The tent curtains will be a cubit longer on both sides ; what is left will hang over the sides of the tabernacle so as to cover it .

  3. 史密斯先生一肘撞在我脸上。

    Mr Smith elbowed me in the face

  4. 我们给了他一些东西,但我不想谈武齐尼奇的那一肘。

    We gave him something , but I 'm not referring to an elbow from Mirko Vucinic .

  5. 为燔祭牲有四张桌子,是凿过的石头作成的,长一肘半,宽一肘半,高一肘。

    There were also four tables of dressed stone for the burnt offerings , each a cubit and a half long , a cubit and a half wide and a cubit high .

  6. 其馀的门徒(离岸不远,约有二百肘,(古时以肘为尺,一肘约有今时尺半)就在小船把那网鱼拉过来。

    And the other disciples came in a little ship ;( for they were not far from land , but as it were two hundred cubits ,) dragging the net with fishes .

  7. 医者站在其面向侧的床边,以一肘或手抵住其肩前部,另一肘或手抵于臀部。

    Doctors who stood facing the side of the bed with an elbow or hand against the front of the shoulder , another elbow or hand arrived against the back of the hip .

  8. 出37:25他用皂荚木作香坛、是四方的、长一肘、宽一肘、高二肘.坛的四角、与坛接连一块。

    Then he made the altar of incense of acacia wood : a cubit long and a cubit wide , square , and two cubits high ; its horns were of one piece with it .

  9. 术后未见创口深部感染,无一例肘内翻及骨化性肌炎并发症,也无其他神经血管并发症。

    There was no deep infection or myositis ossificans , cubitus varus was not seen .

  10. 斯蒂芬一只肘支在坑洼不平的花岗石上,手心扶额头,凝视着自己发亮的黑上衣袖子那磨破了的袖口。

    Stephen , an elbow rested on the jagged granite , leaned his palm against his brow and gazed AT the fraying edge of his shiny black coAT-sleeve .

  11. 他醒来时觉得听到什么动静,所以撑起一个肘拐儿,朝四下看看:不一会儿就觉得看见一个黑影在林子靠海那头走动。

    As he woke he thought he heard something moving , so he raised himself on one elbow and looked about him : and presently he thought he saw a dark figure moving on the seaward side of the wood .

  12. 介绍一种小儿肘关节约束带

    Introduction of an elbow joint restraint strap for childhood patients

  13. 克丽丝汀专心一意地听着,一只臂肘抵在她的办公桌上。

    Christine had been listening intently , an elbow planted on her desk .

  14. 本文提出了一个分析肘内翻的力学计算模型。

    A model of analysing varus elbow after the fracture of humerus is mentioned in this paper .

  15. 他穿着一件两肘都穿破了的衬衫,裤子上的口袋都脱落了。

    He was wearing a shirt with both elbows worn through and trousers with the pockets coming off .

  16. 安灼拉站在铺路石堆成的台阶上,一只臂肘靠着他的枪筒。

    Enjolras was standing erect on the staircase of paving-stones , one elbow resting on the stock of his gun .

  17. 活塞的直线运动转化为对颌骨角运动通过一个双曲肘链接机制。

    The linear movement of the piston is transformed into angular movement of the jaws through a double toggle link mechanism .

  18. 提出一种新型肘形进水流道,具有型线简单,容易设计和施工方便等优点。

    A new type elbow inlet conduit was proposed , with the features of simple in shape , easy to design and convenient for construction .

  19. 肘关节速度差异显著,一级运动员肘关节制动明显,上肢环节速度递增,击球动作符合鞭打动作原理。

    The elbow braking of first grade athletes is obvious , and the speed of upper limbs is increasing and batting action is suitable to the action principle .

  20. 首先针对绳驱动走线方式的多样性选择,设计了一种具有肘、腕关节耦合和肩、肘关节耦合的绳驱动传动机构;

    Firstly , aiming at the choice of cables-driven manners , a cable-driven mechanism that is coupled between elbow and wrist , and between shoulder and elbow was designed .

  21. 我国商业银行目前在内部评级体系的构建方面处于落后状态,这将会成为我国商业银行与国外银行竞争的一个制肘。本论文正是基于这一问题写作的。

    Based on the present situation of the construction of internal rating system of China business ranks , the paper studies on the gap of competition between China business banks and foreign ones .

  22. 他的妻子细利斯和他一切的朋友对他说,不如叫人作一个五十肘高的木架,明早求王将末底改挂在其上,然后你可以欢欢喜喜的随王赴席。

    Then Zeresh his wife and all his friends said to him , let a gallows be made fifty cubits high , and in the morning ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on it ; then go with the king to the banquet rejoicing .

  23. 目的介绍一种用于修复肘后皮肤缺损的方法。

    Objective To introduce a new way of treating postcubital skin defect .

  24. 他旁边的一个乘客用肘推他的肋,踩到他的脚趾头,或者甚至还把烟灰弹向他。

    A passenger next to him shoves his elbow in his ribs , step on his toes , or even drops cigarette ashes on him .

  25. 结果24例神经损伤多数在4周以内恢复,2例在3个月左右恢复,1例在4个月后恢复,无一例近期发生肘内翻畸形。

    Results The symptoms of nerve injuries recovered within 4 weeks in most of the cases . 2 cases recovered at 3 monthes and 1 up to 4 month . No cubitus varus happened .

  26. 双掌在前方合在一处,双肘向外侧探出,十指尖向上,之后向前推,这样你会感到掌根处和腋下有压力。

    Put your palms together in front of you , your elbows pointing out the sides , your fingertips pointing upward , and push so that you feel pressure in the heels of your palms and under your arms .

  27. 在医师指导下的康复训练也是一种有效改善肘关节功能的方式,虽然在早期提高肌力及活动度方面较等速训练缓慢,但仍不失为一种可以普遍推广的康复方式。

    The rehabilitation , in the light of guidance of physician , is an effective way to improve elbow function . Although it is slower than isokinetic in improving muscle strength and elbow joint activity in the early days , it is still a popularization of rehabilitation .

  28. 要用皂荚木做一柜,长二肘半,宽一肘半,高一肘半。

    Have them make a chest of acacia wood-two and a half cubits long , a cubit and a half wide , and a cubit and a half high .