
  1. 我感激地接过她递来的一杯咖啡。

    I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me .

  2. 我限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。

    I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day .

  3. 他的衬衣前襟上洒了一大片咖啡。

    Coffee had splattered across the front of his shirt .

  4. 国际证券交易所起初是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。

    The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop .

  5. 饭后一杯咖啡,美餐圆满结束。

    A cup of coffee finished the meal perfectly .

  6. 一杯咖啡2英镑在我看来有点贵得离谱。

    £ 2 for a cup of coffee seems a little steep to me .

  7. 他们喝了一壶咖啡。

    They drank a pot of coffee .

  8. 他喝了一大口咖啡。

    He took a gulp of coffee .

  9. 你妈妈现在想喝一杯咖啡。

    Right now , your mom would like a cup of coffee

  10. 他咕嘟喝了一口清咖啡。

    He takes a slurp from a cup of black coffee .

  11. 我走进一家咖啡馆坐下,望着来往的路人。

    I went and sat in a cafe and watched the passers-by .

  12. 让我们看看有没有人能很快弄到一杯咖啡。

    Let 's see if somebody can rustle up a cup of coffee

  13. 霍华德站在房间中央,小口抿着一杯咖啡。

    Howard stood in the middle of the room sipping a cup of coffee

  14. 吃饱喝足后,宾客们可以到现代化的暖房里享受一杯咖啡。

    Replete , guests can then retire to the modern conservatory for coffee .

  15. 我要一杯咖啡和一份奶油面包卷。

    I 'll have coffee and a brioche .

  16. 你想再来一杯咖啡吗?

    Do you want another cup of coffee ?

  17. 她咽下一大口咖啡。

    She gulped down a mouthful of coffee

  18. 你看看能不能好歹沏一杯咖啡?

    Why don 't you see if you can scare up a cup of coffee ?

  19. 他冲了一壶咖啡。

    He brewed a pot of coffee .

  20. 他的右臂伸在头的一侧,手里仍紧握着一个咖啡杯。

    His right arm was extended up beside his head , still holding on to a coffee cup

  21. 她把一杯咖啡递给经理。

    She passed a cup of coffee to the manager .

  22. 她就着一杯咖啡把饼吃下去了。

    She washed the cake down with a cup of coffee .

  23. 她进去,要了一杯咖啡,就坐下了。

    She entered it , asked for a cup of coffee and sat down .

  24. 撕下这张优待券,用它再买一瓶咖啡可省25便士。

    Tear off this coupon and use it to get25p off your next jar of coffee .

  25. 又要迟到了,吉姆猛饮一杯咖啡,顾不上吃点东西。

    Late for work again , jim gulped down a cup of coffee , with no time for anything to eat .

  26. 梅根·墨菲在华盛顿拥有一家咖啡店。

    Megan Murphy owns a coffee store in Washington , D.C.

  27. 前几天,我把夹克忘在了一家咖啡馆的椅背上。

    The other day , I was in a cafe and I left the jacket on the back of my chair .

  28. 这男孩给他妈妈冲了一杯咖啡

    The boy brewed a cup of coffee for his mother .

  29. 请给我磨一磅咖啡好吗?

    Would you please grind a pound of coffee for me ?

  30. 我今天得去买一公斤咖啡。

    I must buy a kilo of coffee today .