
  1. 天太热,这糖都烊了。

    The sweets have gone soft in this hot weather .

  2. 盐和糖都容易溶解于水。

    Both salt and sugar dissolve easily in water .

  3. 实验结果表明五碳糖和六碳糖均可被产氢菌Q2用作底物进行代谢;同样单糖、双糖以及多糖都可以用作产氢基质。

    Experimental results showed that five carbon sugar and six carbon sugar all can be used to metabolism . Similarly , monosaccharide , disaccharide and polysaccharide all can be used as production hydrogen matrix .

  4. 它所含的蛋白质和糖都最接近母乳。

    Its protein and sugar are nearest to mother 's milk .

  5. 那时,大多数薄荷糖都是方形或形似枕头

    Most mint candies at the time were square and pillow-shaped

  6. 小贴士:奶油、盐和糖都有更健康的替代品。

    Tip : Cream , salt and sugar all have healthier substitutes .

  7. 你想买多少糖都可以

    you can buy all the chocolate turtles you want .

  8. 任何糕点中,糖都是不可缺少的原料。

    Sugar is a sine qua non ingredient in any kind of cake .

  9. 你们最好把我的糖都搞来

    And you best to have all my candy .

  10. 有人把棉花糖都吃完了。

    Someone ate all the marshmallows .

  11. 两种芦荟多糖都是由中性和酸性多糖组成,中性多糖占主要部分;

    Polysaccharides from Aloe ver & and Aloe arborescens consist of neutral and acidic polysaccharides , largely composed of neutral polysaccharides .

  12. 结晶葡萄糖,麦芽糊精的生产规模为亚洲第一,有“中国糖都”之称。

    The crystallization of glucose , maltodextrin production scale for the first in Asia and has the " China Sugar are " known .

  13. 所以这个万圣节,如果孩子们要完糖都兴奋过头,要怪就去怪节日的燃点吧,别误会了枕套里溢出来的糖果。

    So this Halloween , after kids make the rounds , blame the excitement surrounding the holiday for your child 's jumpy behavior -- not the pillowcase protruding with candy .

  14. 结论参麦的两个有效部位一总皂贰和总多糖都能抑制小鼠肉瘤生长,参麦总皂试抑制作用比总多糖强;

    Conclusions Two active fractions from shenmai ( total saponins and total astragalans ) could inhibit the growth of graft tumor in mice , but the effect of total saponins was stronger .

  15. 每个棉花糖都能承载一定数量的人,具体取决于组成云的棉花糖簇的数量和那些簇中包含的棉花糖的数量。

    Each marshmallow cloud can hold a certain number of people , depending on the number of marshmallow clusters that make up the cloud and how many marshmallows are contained in those clusters .

  16. 目前农民只将甘蔗当做小吃或零食沿街兜售,而整个国家97%的食用糖都依赖进口。尼日利亚政府已制订了一项有助于发展该国制糖业的新计划。

    The Nigerian government has a new plan designed to help the local industry . For now , farmers sell sugar cane as snacks on the street while the country imports 97 percent of the sugar it uses .

  17. 我们祖先的多数糖分都是从水果和谷物中获取,而今天我们的多数糖都被加进了各种加工食品中——美国人一天中平均食用27.5匙的添加糖。

    And while our ancestors got most of their sugar from fruits and grains , these days most of our sugar is added to various processed foods - the average American eats 27.5 teaspoons of added sugar a day .

  18. 但我父亲虽然身为生意人,却更是一个浪漫主义者。当时,他和希达亚图拉已经完全陷入绝境。他们在当地店面已经不再被允许赊账,甚至连茶或糖都买不起了。

    But my father has always been a romantic rather than a businessman and in the meantime he and Hidayatullah were in such desperate straits that they ran out of credit with the local shopkeeper and could not even buy tea or sugar .

  19. 分别添加长链烷烃和糖淀粉都能引起激基缔合物的荧光强度减弱和单体荧光强度的增强,表明An和长链烷烃共簇集,与糖淀粉形成包结物。

    The addition of long chain hydrocarbon and amylose resulted in the reduction of excimer emission and the enhancement of monomer fluorescence .

  20. 喷施cc与cK相比,叶片总氮、可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖含量都显著提高。

    Spraying CC increased the total nitrogen , the soluble proteins and the soluble sugars in the leaves significantly .

  21. 随着水分胁迫程度的增加柑橘电导率、POD活性、游离脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量都呈上升趋势,两个品种的叶片SOD、MDA活性呈先上升后下降的趋势。

    With the soil water content decreased , the electric conductivity , POD activity and free proline content and soluble sugar content in both an upward trend , two species of leaf SOD , MDA activity increased at first , then turn to a downward trend .

  22. 期内TSS含量、还原性糖含量都一直处于较低水平,自始熟期开始,TSS含量和还原性糖急剧升高并持续到果实成熟;

    Similar on the changing trend of TSS and reducing sugar in fruits , and both were comparatively low in the I and II phases and rose quickly from entering mature phase to complete mature ;

  23. NADP-ICDH、生物量和蛋白含量在每种糖浓度都持续增加。

    The enzyme activity of NADP-ICDH , biomass and the soluble protein content continued to increase under three different sucrose concentration .

  24. 你要牛奶,糖还是都要?

    Would you like milk or sugar or both ?

  25. 每个糖分子都具有糖的性质。

    Each sugar molecule has the properties of sugar .

  26. 例:你们几个不要吃那么多糖,都吃成猪了!

    Example : Don 't you girls pig out on too much candy !

  27. 整体上总糖含量都呈下降的趋势,但由于发酵起始条件不同,下降程度和速度也不同。

    Generally , total sugar content decreases , dropping rate and degree are different according to the original fermentation conditions .

  28. 在三个体系中,糖链都能自聚集形成纳米粒子,但包封的程度不同。载药过程中的主要驱动力都是范德华力,静电作用力和氢键也贡献了一定的作用。

    The major driving force in the encapsulation process of drug is van der Waals interactions in the three systems .

  29. 如果所有糖单元都是相同类型的糖,对于单体糖元他们是均匀的,称同聚糖。

    If all the glycosyl units are of the same sugar type , they are homogeneous as to monomer units and are called homoglycans .

  30. 将玉米秸秆和残棉在相同条件下进行反应,发现,玉米芯的水解效率及还原糖含量都较高,其次为玉米秸秆。

    It was found that the hydrolysis rate of corn core was the highest , while the hydrolysis rate of waste cotton was the lowest .