
  • diviner;Fortune Teller;augur
  1. 我不能,我又不是占卜师。

    How can I ? I 'm not a fortuneteller .

  2. 沈的父母向一位占卜师求教。

    Shen 's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer .

  3. 直到有了“占卜师”的说法,他们才开始考虑更好的安排,到法国去对德国空军通信进行破译。

    They had only just begun to consider more satisfactory arrangements for using the Luftwaffe decrypts in France , when events made the oracle irrelevant .

  4. 我经常有这种感觉,当他们要去当医生或者占卜师的时候,他们来找我拍照,以来发掘自己真实的一面。

    I often feel that people come to me to be photographed as they would go to a doctor or a fortune teller-to find out how they are .

  5. 从边界之神的固执可以得到一个有利的推论,占卜师们把它解释成为罗马政权的边界永远不会后退。

    A favorable inference was drawn from his obstinacy , which was interpreted by the augurs as a sure presage that the boundaries of the Roman power would never recede .