
zhān guà
  • divination;divine by means of the Eight Diagrams;cast lots
占卦 [zhān guà]
  • [cast lots] 按照卦象推断吉凶(迷信)

占卦[zhān guà]
  1. 占卦馆?不知道那么准吗?

    Divine club ? Don 't know is it that accurate ?

  2. 他们很快就会相信一个占卦板。

    They 'd sooner trust a Ouija board .

  3. 外卦,共七种。前五种用龟甲卜卦,后二种用蓍草占卦,封卦爻的意义,要认真加以研究以弄清所有变化。

    Of these seven symbols , the first are given by the tortoise and the last two by the milfoil , both of which deserve close observation and study for fortune-telling .