
  • 网络mass effect;space occupying effect
  1. 磁共振成像(MRI)为无占位效应的病变;

    There was no mass effect on MRI .

  2. 结果中枢神经系统炎性脱髓鞘病CT或MRI检查可以出现水肿及占位效应,增强后可以有环形强化,很难与中枢神经系统肿瘤相鉴别。

    Results CNS inflammatory demyelinating disease could present edema and mass effect by CT or MRI , there was ring potentialization after enhancement , it was difficulty to distinguish from CNS demyelinating disease .

  3. 结论Matrix栓塞治疗颅内动脉瘤是有效的,可缓解动脉瘤占位效应并预防动脉瘤的复发。

    Conclusions Matrix system may release the mass effect and prevent recanalization after endovascular embolization of cerebral aneurysms .

  4. CT或MRI占位效应及强化不明显胶质瘤诊治探讨

    Diagnosis and Treatment of the Glioma without Significant Contrast Enhancement and Mass Effect on CT or MRI

  5. 结果14例前列腺外周带癌患者的3D重组立体图像中,有4例显示癌区局限于外周带内,占位效应不明显,外周带形态未见变化;

    Results In the fourteen patients with peripheral zone cancer , reconstruction images could display the 3D regions of cancer and the involvement of capsular .

  6. 目的:探讨CT或MRI显示占位效应及强化不明显胶质瘤的有效诊治方法。

    Objective : To investigate the effective diagnosis and treatment methods for the glioma with absence of significant enhancement and mass effect on CT or MRI .

  7. 星型细胞瘤CT像上显示局部占位效应明显,在T2WI像上显示脑回结构消失。

    The astrocytoma had obvious local occupying effect on the CT and the structure of gyrus disappearanced on the T2WI .

  8. 1例位于左侧颞叶,CT可见钙化,MRI可见囊变及环形强化,占位效应不明显。

    In the remaining case , the tumor was located in left temporal lobe , presenting calcification on CT and cystic degeneration , ring-like enhancement on MRI without obvious space-occupying effect .

  9. 结果凝固血注射组所有大鼠尾状核内均可见血肿形成。血肿局限在尾状核内,形态规则,呈椭圆形,占位效应明显,血肿平均容量18.02±5.48μl。

    Results Hematoma of similar size and shape was brought in caudate nucleus of each rat with distinct occupying effect .

  10. 原始图像可发现小的和巨大动脉瘤,显示瘤腔、瘤壁、瘤体、占位效应准确,其瘤颈、瘤腔的信号多高于MRA;

    The small or giant aneurysm , aneurysmal sac , wall , body , mass effect can be showed by the source images , its signals of aneurysmal neck and sac was higher than MRA .

  11. 结果本病在CT、MRI上显示为双侧脑室周围及额、顶、枕、颞叶白质区有多发病灶,CT为低密度影,MRI为长T1长T2信号,很少有占位效应。

    Results CT and MRI showed multiple white matter lesions scattered in frontal , parietal , occipital , temporal and periventricular area of the disease LIDE . The lesions were low density on CT and long T1 , T2 wighted signals on MRI . Mass effect was rarely showed .

  12. 过去认为ICH周围的脑水肿与血块的占位效应及血液循环障碍关系密切,现许多研究认为血肿释放的某些活性物质或血液本身的成分可能是脑水肿产生的物质基础。

    In the past , the development of brain edema after ICH was considered to be associated with space-occupying effect and disturbance of blood circulation . Now many studies show that some substances from blood clot and blood components can be responsible for brain edema production .

  13. 结果头颅影像检查中,例1CT平扫示左侧颞叶大片低密度病灶,约50cm×35cm大小,伴明显的占位效应,增强扫描以环状强化为主,未行MR检查。

    Results On CT scan , case 1 showed a 5.0 cm × 3.5 cm hypo density area at left temporal lobe with obvious mass effect , and post contrast CT scan revealed a rim enhancement . MR scanning was not performed .

  14. PH(有血肿形成)分为:PH-1型占位效应轻,小于梗死面积30%;PH-2型血肿超过梗死面积30%,有明显占位效应以及远离梗死区的出血。

    PH ( hematoma formation ): PH-1 , light mass effect , less than 30 % infarct size ; PH-2 , Hematoma of more than 30 % infarct size , apparent mass effect , and hemorrhage far from the infarct area .

  15. 结果主要视皮质位于双侧距状裂两侧,属于布劳德曼(Brodmann)17区。3例具有距状裂附近病变的患者的视皮质由于病变的占位效应而发生移位。

    Results The primary visual cortex was located at the bilateral calcarine cortex , which belonged to Brodmann area 17 . The functional areas showed displacement due to the mass effect of lesions near calcarine cortex in 3 patients .

  16. 有占位效应未破裂脑动静脉畸形的临床特点(附31例报告)

    Clinical features of unruptured cerebral arteriovenous malformations with mass effect .

  17. 局部脑轻度占位效应16例。

    Slight mass effect of local brain parenchyma in 16 cases .

  18. 局部轻度脑占位效应。

    Slight mass effect of local brain parenchyma ;

  19. 病灶周围水肿中到重度,占位效应较明显;

    There were heavy peritumoral edema and relative distinct occupy effect in most lesions .

  20. 在同一时间点可吸收明胶海绵仍可见明显的颅内占位效应。

    Significant intracranial masseffect absorbable gelatin sponge is still visible at the same time point .

  21. 腹腔单发或多发囊性改变,有占位效应(4/35)。

    Single or multiple cystic pattern in the abdominal cavity ( 4 / 35 ) .

  22. 脑移位与病变体积、占位效应和颅内压有关。

    Brain shift is associated with the lesion 's volume , occupying effect and the intracranial pressure .

  23. 结论血管内治疗可以使直接手术难于治愈的颅内巨型动脉瘤获得治愈,并且消除其占位效应。

    Conclusion Endovascular therapy can cure the intracranial aneurysms which were difficultly treated by direct open operation .

  24. 方法:选取79例无瞳孔改变的偏侧占位效应明显的患者与100名无明显颅脑症状及体征的志愿者作为对照,研究诊断早期小脑幕疝的标准及临床价值。

    Methods : 79 cases who had no pupil change and had obvious massing effect as study objects .

  25. 结论:局灶性脂肪肝的声像图特征是其病变无占位效应。

    Conclusion : The ultrasonographic feature of focal fatty liver was that the lesion had no mass effect .

  26. 其占位效应可直接或间接的引起临床症状和体征。

    Symptoms and signs were directly or indirectly attributed to the intracranial mass effect by the giant aneurysms .

  27. 由于病变占位效应的影响,病变周围的功能活动区常发生变形或移位。

    The mass effect of intracranial lesions may lead to deformation or displacement of the near functional areas .

  28. 3例位于肝右后叶,形态与局部肝形态较为一致,占位效应不明显。

    Lesions located in the right back hepatic lobe , which shape is consistent with liver parenchymal modality .

  29. 脑实质的肿块可以表现为实质内低密度影伴有占位效应,有(没有)增强的囊壁。

    An intraparenchymal mass may show parenchymal low density with mass effect with or without an enhancing capsule .

  30. 有的外科医生认为除非具有明显的占位效应,导致症状,否则受阻侧脑室分流就可以了。

    Some surgeons believe that shunting of the obstructed lateral ventricle is sufficient unless local mass effect causes symptoms .