
  • 网络consultant
  1. TT人寿四川分公司顾问式营销模式研究

    The Consultant Marketing Scheme Research for TT Life Insurance Co. , Ltd Sichuan Branch

  2. 目前她正计划作为公司顾问重返工作岗位,每周工作两天。

    She is planning to return to work for the company two days a week as a consultant .

  3. 行星资源是由迪曼蒂斯和埃里克安德森(ericanderson)创建的,电影导演、海洋探险家詹姆斯卡梅隆(jamescameron)任该公司顾问。

    The company , which is being advised by film director and marine explorer James Cameron , was founded by Mr Diamandis and Eric Anderson .

  4. 61岁的伊东将继续担任公司顾问。

    Ito , 61 , will continue to serve as an adviser to the company .

  5. 正明锦江大酒店是由锦江国际管理公司顾问管理的涉外四星级商务酒店。

    Zhengming Jinjiang Hotel is a four-star business hotel managed by Jinjing International Management Corporation .

  6. 我刚开始做一份新工作,为一个公司顾问机构招徕客户。

    I have just started in a new role to drum up clients for a corporate consultancy .

  7. 东北磁悬浮公司顾问委员会主席达施勒驳斥了对磁悬浮技术的担忧。

    Mr. Daschle , who heads the advisory board for Northeast Maglev , dismisses concerns about the maglev technology .

  8. 如果有好的机会,我公司顾问将与您取得联系并告之提供岗位的公司及职位的更多信息。

    If any opportunities arise , our consultants will contact you and tell you more about the company and the position on offer .

  9. 每个职位会有至多六位应聘者得到第一轮面试的机会,包括接受两位公司顾问的面试,每位顾问的面试时间约为40分钟。

    Up to six applicants are typically granted first-round interviews per opening , which involve meeting with two company consultants for about 40 minutes each .

  10. 逾期未获付款的帐项一件,本日已移交我公司顾问律师处理。我的房租逾期未交。

    Respecting our overdue account , we have today placed the matter in the hands of our solicitors . I 've fallen behind my rent .

  11. 部分业内高管及汽车公司顾问怀疑下周前能否达成协议,因为包括工会和政府在内的有关各方尚未达成一致。

    Some industry executives and advisers to the carmakers questioned whether a deal could be done by next week because the positions of constituents including unions and the government have not been firmed up .

  12. 费塞在一家大建筑公司当顾问。

    Facer consults for a large building firm .

  13. 从首尔大学(SeoulNationalUniversity)毕业后,他奔赴美国攻读博士学位,之后曾担任英特尔等科技公司的顾问。

    After graduating from Seoul National University and studying for a doctorate in the US , he worked as an adviser for technology companies , including Intel .

  14. 数年前,我曾作过一家CO2激光仪公司的顾问,该仪器用于不同类型的整容及皮肤手术。

    Several years ago I served as a consultant for a company that produces CO2 lasers , which are used for different kinds of cosmetic and skin surgery .

  15. 除此之外,薄还是牛津大学EmergingMarkets公司的顾问。该公司由牛津大学学生创建,旨在探索潜力市场的投资和就业机会。

    The young Bo is also an advisor to Oxford Emerging Markets Ltd , a company founded by Oxford students with the aim of exploring investment and career opportunities in up and coming markets .

  16. 香港的IPO交易受到散户情绪的推动,投资者希望发行公司及其顾问能够通过定价,令股票在上市首日走出强劲行情,以便他们脱手所持股份。

    Hong Kong IPOs are driven by retail sentiment , and investors look to issuers and their advisers to price the shares to achieve strong debuts so they can flip their holdings .

  17. 我们和媒体与民调公司晨间顾问(MorningConsult)一起对数百名营养学家——美国营养学会(AmericanSocietyforNutrition)的成员——做问卷调查,询问他们是否认为某种食物(约50种)是健康的。

    With the Morning Consult , a media and polling firm , we surveyed hundreds of nutritionists - members of the American Society for Nutrition - asking them whether they thought certain food items ( about 50 ) were healthy .

  18. 你还在为J.K.玩具公司做顾问工作吗?

    Are you still doing consultancy work for J.K.Toys ?

  19. 太古地产选择上市的时机显示,该公司及其顾问相信,在香港IPO市场今年早期经历了一段惨淡的日子之后,投资者正在对新股发行重新产生兴趣。

    The timing of the move suggests that Swire and its advisors believe that investors have regained their appetite for new share sales following a dismal period for Hong Kong IPOs earlier this year .

  20. 作为重组计划的一部分,蔡斯·凯里(ChaseCarey)将卸任福克斯首席运营官,改任公司的顾问。

    As part of the reorganization , Chase Carey will step down from his role as chief operating officer at Fox and work as an adviser to the company .

  21. 提供公司高管顾问服务的CEOPerspectiveGroup的执行合伙人迪・索德(DeeSoder)说,他们事后常常承认说,明明是有迹象的,可是我忙着完成工作却没有注意到。

    They frequently admit later that " the signs were there . I was too busy trying to get things done , " reports Dee Soder , managing partner of CEO Perspective Group , an executive-advisory concern .

  22. 人力资源咨询公司Fairplace顾问克尔温?哈克(KerwinHack)从而建议,从招聘广告中摘取语句来点缀简历。

    Kerwin Hack , a counsellor at HR consultancy Fairplace , therefore suggests larding CVs with phrases extracted from the job ad.

  23. 咨询公司安可顾问(APCOWorldwide)大中华区主席麦健陆(JamesMcGregor)称,这很大程度上取决于监管者如何解释该法。安可顾问与多家科技公司有业务联系。

    James McGregor , head of consultancy Apco Worldwide , which works with a number of technology companies , said that much would depend on how the law was interpreted by regulators .

  24. 纽约和新泽西人都觉得纽瓦克和纽约是完全两个不同的地方,酒店业咨询公司租房顾问(LodgingAdvisors)的首席执行官肖恩·亨尼西(SeanHennessey)说。

    People in New York and New Jersey think of Newark and New York as two different places , said Sean Hennessey , the chief executive of Lodging Advisors , a hotel industry consulting company .

  25. 三年待业并没有阻挡Michele在一家四大公司业务顾问工作。

    Three years of unemployment didn 't prevent Michele ( who asked us not to use her last name ) from getting a job as a management consultant with a Big Four firm .

  26. “关于这项政策,既不机动,也不自动,而且存在着许多关联环节,”资本经济公司的顾问乔纳森•劳恩斯(JonathanLoynes)如是说。

    " There is nothing mechanical or automatic about the policy , and there are many links in the chain ," points out Jonathan Loynes of Capital Economics , a consultancy .

  27. 知名科技行业顾问罗博•恩代尔撰写了一篇题为《修复苹果,不可能完成的任务》的文章。他是戴尔(Dell)、微软(Microsoft)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)等公司的顾问,长期以来一直在纸媒和电视上唱空苹果。

    We 've got The impossible task of fixing Apple by Rob Enderle , a consultant for Dell ( DELL ) , Microsoft ( MSFT ) , Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) and others , who has made a career of bad-mouthing Apple in print and on TV .

  28. 担任公司财务顾问的珍尼•施密特(JeanneSchmidt)是个骨灰级的乐观主义者。她说,“我想不出有什么事情称得上是真正失败的。我无法忍受让那些不愿花心思费力气的悲观主义者执掌大权。”

    I can 't think of anything that I would call a true failure , ' says Jeanne Schmidt , a corporate finance consultant and black-belt optimist . ' I can 't stand it , ' she adds , when the why-bother pessimists take charge .

  29. 如果他们知道,很多人将感觉在试探公平原则的底线。这是由Cologne大学市场营销教授WernerReinartz提出的,他同时也是财富500强里两家使用价格个性化技术公司的顾问。

    If they knew , many would feel that it is pushing the boundaries of fairness , notes Werner Reinartz , a University of Cologne marketing professor and consultant to two Fortune 500 companies that use customisation techniques .

  30. 自然机器公司的顾问,发明家艾利克斯o莱特曼认为,Foodini在一些烹饪空间狭小的场合下拥有广阔的应用前景——比如在飞机上。

    Inventor Alex Lightman has been advising Natural Machines and sees tremendous potential for the hardware to be in any space-crunched cooking space - including airplanes .