
gōng lǘ
  • Male donkey;jackass;jack;dickey;dicky
公驴[gōng lǘ]
  1. 有一回我又带了一头公驴和一个蜂窝

    Once I brought a jackass and a honeycomb

  2. 没人能乱叫他“公驴”而不受惩罚的。

    No one was going to call him a jackass and get away with it .

  3. 骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。

    A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse .

  4. 我和公驴打算明年结婚。

    I was going to marry with the man traveler .

  5. 骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。

    A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey .

  6. 那头公驴成为了美国骡子产业之父。

    That male donkey became the father of the mule industry in the US .

  7. 在1785年,西班牙国王查尔斯三世送了一头公驴给乔治·华盛顿当礼物。

    In 1785 , King Charles III of Spain sent Washington a male donkey as a gift .

  8. 关中驴公驴血浆睾酮、17β-雌二醇和皮质醇水平的季节性变化

    Seasonal variations of plasma testosterone , 17 β - estradiol and cortisol levels in Guan Zhong male donkeys

  9. 在那一瞬间,那只公驴向我传达的意思变得非常清晰:他是请我离开峡谷。

    In that instant the message he sent me became clear : he was asking me to leave the canyon .

  10. 使我惊奇的是,公驴群笨拙地从干涸的河床向外移动,他们向着峡谷的北壁行进。

    To my surprise , the big jacks were lumbering out of the wash and making their way toward the northern walls of the canyon .

  11. 同样,给他父亲送去十匹公驴,满载埃及最好的出品,十匹母驴,满载粮食面饼,和为父亲路上用的食品。

    Moreover , what he sent to his father was ten jackasses loaded with the finest products of Egypt and ten jennies loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey .

  12. 约瑟送去给他父亲的,有公驴十头,载着埃及美好的产物,以及母驴十头,载着五谷、饼和给他父亲在路上用的食物。

    Now thou art commanded , this do ye ; take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones , and for your wives , and bring your father , and come .

  13. 送给他父亲公驴十匹,驮着埃及的美物,母驴十匹,驮着粮食与饼和菜,为他父亲路上用。

    And to his father he sent after this manner ; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt , and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way .