
gōng gào
  • notice;bulletin;public announcement;proclamation
公告 [gōng gào]
  • (1) [proclamation]∶政府、团体对重大事件当众正式公布(如公告、布告或命令)

  • 全国人民代表大会公告

  • (2) [notice]∶书面的或印刷的通告

  • 所有的学会都张贴了活动的公告

公告[gōng gào]
  1. 公告宣布后,股市大跌。

    Following the announcement , share prices went into a tailspin .

  2. 这项公告对房屋价格产生了巨大的影响。

    The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices .

  3. 公告博得观众的热烈掌声。

    The announcement drew loud applause from the audience .

  4. 候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。

    Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit

  5. 这一突然发布的公告可能会在美国引起骚乱。

    The surprise announcement could cause an uproar in the United States .

  6. 在唐宁街进行了长达3个小时的内阁会议后发布了这份公告。

    The announcement came after a three-hour Cabinet meeting in Downing Street .

  7. 他的笑脸出现在T恤衫、公告牌和海报上面。

    His smiling face appears on T-shirts , billboards , and posters .

  8. 因特网是世界上最大的计算机公告系统。

    The Internet is the largest computer bulletin board in the world .

  9. 公告一发布就引发了一场强烈的抗议。

    The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest .

  10. 那则政策公告引发了汽油抢购风潮。

    The policy announcement caused panic buying of petrol .

  11. 数百人挤在一台晶体管收音机周围收听公告。

    Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement

  12. 公告牌显示了每个主管人员的工作进展情况。

    Bulletin boards charted each executive 's progress .

  13. 她已把照片贴在了公告牌上。

    She has posted photographs on bulletin boards .

  14. 公告在人群中引起了骚动。

    The announcement caused uproar in the crowd

  15. 他们明天将签署这份公告。

    They will sign the declaration tomorrow

  16. 下午3点30分发布了公告,称总统已经暂时脱离危险。

    At 3.30 p.m. a bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate danger .

  17. 在选举造成的一片混乱中,没有听到昨天的公告也是情有可原的。

    In all the hubbub over the election , one might be excused for missing yesterday 's announcement .

  18. 该公告被认为是向正确方向迈进的一步,因而受到欢迎,但也被普遍看作是一种象征性的姿态。

    The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction , but was widely seen as a token gesture

  19. 报上刊登了一则公告。

    A notice was published in the newspaper .

  20. 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统在内战期间颁布了一项公告,将这个节日时间定在十一月最后一个星期四。

    President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War , issued a proclamation setting aside the last Thursday in November for the holiday .

  21. 今天的公告是改善获得高质量教育权利的又一重要步骤,是奥巴马总统行动年的一个组成部分。

    Today 's announcement is another important step forward in improving access to a quality education , a component of President Obama 's year of action .

  22. 是否遵守实务公告由审计师自行选择决定

    Compliance with Practice Advisories is optional .

  23. 这是一个安全公告。

    This is a security announcement .

  24. 公告送达,应当在案卷中记明原因和经过。

    The reasons for service by public announcement and the process gone through shall be recorded in the case files .

  25. 送货公告:此商品必须与其他物品分开包装,不会另收运费。

    Shipping Advisory2 : This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order . Additional shipping charges will not apply .

  26. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  27. 1月22日,四家上市公司发布公告称,他们的独立董事宋常因涉嫌内幕交易和短线交易被证监会立案调查。

    Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director Song Chang is under investigation1 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected insider trading and short-swing trading .

  28. 第十八条两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;

    Article 18 . Where two or more applicants for the same or similar goods , the preliminary approval , after examination , and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was first filed .

  29. 第四十六条国家征用土地的,依照法定程序批准后,由县级以上地方人民政府予以公告并组织实施。

    Article 46 For requisition of land by the State the local people 's governments at and above the county level shall make an announcement and organize the implementation after the approval according to the legal procedures .

  30. 第十九条对初步审定的商标,自公告之日起三个月内,任何人均可以提出异议。无异议或者经裁定异议不能成立的,始予核准注册,发给商标注册证,并予公告;

    Article 19 . Any person may , within three months from the date of the publication , file an opposition , the registration shall be approved , a certificate of trademark registration shall be issued and the trademark shall be published .