
wán shuì zhènɡ mínɡ
  • Tax payment certificate;duty-paid proof
  1. 车辆购置税的完税证明或者免税凭证;

    Proof on payment of vehicle purchase tax or documentation on tax-exemption ;

  2. 应分包商的要求,承包商应向分包商提供完税证明。

    The Contractor shall issue a tax-paid certificate to the Sub-Contractor upon request .

  3. 我总是留着我的完税证明。

    I always saved my tax records .

  4. 要想提早拿到完税证明,首先必须确定业主们是否可以自行提前纳税。

    Early to get clearance certificates , owners must first determine whether to advance their own tax .

  5. 房产部门只有在您提交完税证明后才为您办理房产登记手续。

    The real estate administration will not allow you to register the house until you present the tax paid proof .

  6. 您好,我公司要参加一个工程项目的招标活动,需要开具一份我公司去年完税情况的证明。

    Hello , I 'd like to apply for a duty paid proof of last year because we are going to attend an engineering project tender .