
  • 网络suspension;Suspension Stability
  1. 并为试验范围内的CuO-DW、Al2O3-DW、Cu-DW、Al-DW等4种纳米流体提供了具有最佳悬浮稳定性的配方。

    The best suspension stability formulations of CuO-DW , Al2O3-DW , Cu-DW and Al-DW in the tests were given out .

  2. 实验研究了JFM暂堵剂的油溶性,在携带液中的悬浮稳定性和对产出液油水界面张力的影响;

    The oil-solubility , suspension stability in carrying liquid and the effect on oil / water interface tension of produced liquid of JFM were studied , and its temporary plugging capability , plug removal ability of JFM temporary plugging liquid to artificial cores with different permeability were evaluated .

  3. TEM照片显示了用这种方法制备的纳米流体具有较高的悬浮稳定性;

    The TEM photographs are given to illustrate the stability and evenness of suspensions .

  4. 纳米ZrO2在Ni基电镀液中悬浮稳定性的研究

    A Study on Stability of Nano-ZrO_2 in Ni-based Electroplating bath

  5. 通过添加酸性羧甲基纤维素(CMC)和亚麻籽胶的复合稳定剂,提高了果汁体系的粘度,改善了黑莓混汁的悬浮稳定性。

    With adding acidic CMC and flaxseed gum , the suspension stability of blackberry was improved and the viscosity of juice was increased which can make blackberry cloudy juice much stable during storage .

  6. 研究了上述8种修饰HA及未修饰HA颗粒在不同介质中的悬浮稳定性,获得了上述共9种样品在乙醇、丙酮和水等分散介质中的稳定性大小顺序,并解释了其稳定性机理。

    The suspended stability of the above 6 modified HA products and un-modified HA particle in dispersing media EtOH , Me2CO and HaO is investigated . Stability orders of the 7 samples are obtained , their stability mechanism is also discussed .

  7. 结果表明:在水性建筑涂料中添加具有特殊结构的纳米硅酸铝,可提高涂料的悬浮稳定性、光散射系数和耐擦洗性,并可减少金红石型TiO2用量。

    The results show that to add some nanometer aluminium silicate with special construction into the watery architectural paint , the suspend stability , optical scattering and scouring endurable can upswing and the demand quantity of rutile TiO 2 can reduce .

  8. 发现ET-14是一种很好的电泳液稳定剂,它不仅改善电泳液悬浮稳定性,还能够改善电泳液的显示性能。

    It is found that ET-14 is a good stability of the electrophoretic ink and many electrophoresis properties were improved .

  9. 枇杷叶植物饮料悬浮稳定性和口味的优化

    Optimization of the suspension and organoleptic properties of loquat leaf drink

  10. 粒粒橙汁中的汁胞悬浮稳定性的研究

    Study on the Suspension Stability of Citrus Sacs in Orange Juice

  11. 保温处理提高南瓜汁悬浮稳定性的工艺研究

    Thermostatic treatment technology for improving the suspending stability of pumpkin juice

  12. 红细胞还具有渗透脆性和悬浮稳定性。

    Red blood cell still is had permeate brittleness and suspension stability .

  13. 改性凹凸棒粘土悬浮稳定性的研究

    Study on properties of suspend stability of modified palygorskite clays

  14. 水介质中高浓度电解质离子对纳米氧化锆悬浮稳定性的影响

    Effects of Heavy Concentration Electrolytical Ions on Stability of Nano - ZrO_2 Aqueous Suspension

  15. 微胶囊海藻油饮料悬浮稳定性及氧化稳定性的研究

    Studies on Suspended Stability and Oxidative Stability of Beverage Prepared from Microencapsulated Algal Oil

  16. 珍珠饮料的悬浮稳定性研究

    Research on stabilization of beverage with grains

  17. 研究了不同抗氧化剂和亲水性胶体对草莓汁色泽和悬浮稳定性的影响。

    Colour stability and suspension stability of strawberry juice were studied by using different anti-browning reagents .

  18. 在此基础上,论文以单自由度磁悬浮系统为对象研究了磁悬浮控制系统的设计方法,主要解决悬浮稳定性以及承载能力等问题。

    The controlsystem is designed and the problem of stability and the supporting ability is solved .

  19. 新型纳米分散剂提高醇基涂料悬浮稳定性的研究

    A Study on a New Nano-dispersing Agent and Its Effectiveness for Increasing Suspension Rate of Alcohol-based Coatings

  20. 本文概述了混浊果蔬汁中混浊物成分组成,悬浮稳定性的丧失机理,以及混浊稳定化方法的研究现状。

    This paper introduces the composition of juice cloud , mechanism of cloud de-stabilization and stabilizing methods .

  21. 尽管它是一种醇基砂状涂料,但具有悬浮稳定性高,涂刷流畅,涂层强度好等特点。

    Although it is an alcohol-based sand coating , it has exhibited good behaviors in suspension , brushing , wear resistance .

  22. 不仅提高了出汁率,而且通过部分降解大分子果胶,使混汁具有更好的悬浮稳定性。

    This technology increased the juice yield of blackberry cloudy juice efficiently by hydrolyzing pectin molecular and gave the juice higher suspension stability .

  23. 在草莓汁中添加0.05%黄原胶和0.1%CMC的复配胶可以有效地提高草莓汁的悬浮稳定性。

    By adding 0.05 % XG and 0.1 % CMC into the strawberry juice , we could improve the cloudy stability of the juice .

  24. 文中还就苹果果肉细胞的微观形态、影响悬浮稳定性的因素进行了探讨,以深入探究完全成熟的苹果更加适宜制取浊汁的机理。

    In this paper , the microcosmic morphological characters of apple pulp cells and the factors that affect cloudy juice stability were also discussed .

  25. 这种新型金磁复合微粒除具有超顺磁性、对外磁场响应性和悬浮稳定性等特点外,还具有快速固定生物分子的特点。

    Namely the Fe_3O_4 / Au composite particle not only has suspension stability and superparamagnetic property but also has ability to immobilize biomolecules rapidly .

  26. 本文研究了热因子对琼脂悬浮稳定性的影响,分析了造成汁胞萎瘪褪色的原因,并提出了解决的办法。

    The effect of heat factor on the suspension of agar was studied and the causes of shrinking and discoloring of the juice sac were examined .

  27. 而且,悬浮稳定性提高,悬浮时间延长。(4)进行了氯硝柳胺纳米悬浮液的药效学研究。

    Moreover , the suspension stability was higher , the suspending time was longer . ( 4 ) The pharmacodynamic study of niclosamide nano suspension was developed .

  28. 低零场粘度、高剪切屈服强度以及长期静置悬浮稳定性是优质磁流变液的重要性能指标。

    Low viscosity , high yield shear stress and good suspending stability during long time placed were three main quality indexes of perfect magnetorheological fluid ( MRF ) .

  29. 热破碎处理条件对于番茄汁粘度和褐变度影响显著,但对番茄汁的悬浮稳定性、果胶含量、色差影响不显著。

    Different ' hot-break ' conditions affects the viscosity of tomato juice , and has no effect on the cloud stability , content of pectin , color and brown color of tomato juice .

  30. 结果表明,在打浆时向草莓中加入0.003%半胱氨酸,可以增强花色苷的稳定性;在草莓汁中添加0.05%黄原胶和0.1%CMC的复配胶,可以有效提高草莓汁的悬浮稳定性。

    The results showed that addition of 0.003 % cysteine could improve the color stability noticeably while ( 0.05 % ) XG and 0.1 % CMC could improve the suspension stability of the juice .