
hónɡ xì bāo shòu mìnɡ
  • life of red blood cells
  1. 贫血家兔红细胞寿命测定与膜蛋白形态学研究

    Life span determination and Study on morphology of red blood cell membrane protein in anemic rabbits

  2. ~(51)铬红细胞寿命和体表测定在血液病中的应用

    Application of ~ ( 51 ) Cr-RBC Life Span Study and Surface Counting in Blood Diseases

  3. 中西医结合治疗对慢性再生障碍性贫血患者红细胞寿命及膜蛋白的影响

    Effect on Life Span and Membrane Protein in Red Blood Cells by Integrated Medicine Therapy on Chronic Aplastic Anemia

  4. 其发病机制是多因素、多机制的,包括细胞因子、一氧化氮、急性时相反应蛋白及促红细胞生成素等所致的红细胞寿命缩短、铁代谢紊乱及骨髓对贫血失代偿等。

    The pathogenesis is multifactors and multimechanisms : cytokines , natric oxide , acute phase proteins and erythropoietin contribute to shortened red survival , iron metabolism disorders and blunted bone marrow response to anemia .

  5. 采用~(51)铬标记自身或正常O型血进行全血标记。总结274例各种血液疾病的红细胞寿命和脾肝体表测定。

    Present article summarized the RBC life span and liver , spleen surface counting in 274 cases of blood diseases . Whole blood labelling of ~ ( 51 ) Cr labelled auto or normal O type blood was used .

  6. 运动引起红细胞膜结构改变,直接影响红细胞的寿命长短与功能的发挥。

    Exercise can result in RBCM configurational change , directly influencing the lifespan and the function of RBC .