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  1. 根据与WTO达成的协议,中国在入世5年后将全面开放国内金融市场。

    According to the concerts arrived at by china and WTO , our money market will be completely opened to the world .

  2. 本文应用随机前沿方法(SFA)分析了城市商业银行入世5年的效率及其平均值变动趋势。

    Using stochastic frontier approach ( SFA ), we analyzed the efficiencies and their average value variable trend of domestic city commercial banks ( CCBs ) in the last five years after China 's access to WTO .

  3. 全新世千年尺度气候振荡的年代学研究

    Studies of Chronology of Millennial Time Scale Climate Oscillations in the Holocene

  4. 入世三年与中国对外贸易发展

    Three Years of Joining in WTO and the Development of Foreign Trade in China

  5. 不期然而然狼在我也在&入世五年中国工程机械进出口贸易状况综述

    WTO : China Construction Machinery Enters Year Five

  6. 神的光芒耀如太阳,已垂世万年,与我们同在。

    When we 've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun .

  7. 入世三年:中国筑起知识产权保护立体网

    IP Protection Net in WTO Era

  8. 华北平原东部全新世古年地表径流量的估算

    The estimation of ancient annual surface runoff of Holocene in eastern part of the North China Plain

  9. 入世5年来中国纺织品服装进出口贸易发展特征及展望

    China 's Import and Export of Textiles and Garment in Post-WTO Entry Era : Characteristics & Outlook

  10. 曲周地区早、中全新世古年径流深状况的推估

    Inferences of the past annual runoff of the early and middle Holocene for Quzhou area , the southern Hebei Plain

  11. 入世五年的过渡期结束后,我国产业发展将面临更加激烈的国际竞争环境。

    After five-year transitional period completing , the industry development of our country will face more vigorous international competition environment .

  12. 这种关系是否也适用于全新世百年尺度的干旱事件,仍是有待研究的问题。

    Whether this relationship can be established for the Holocene drought events at century-scale reported from tropical and equatorial Africa is still poorly known .

  13. 入世十年,我国取得了世界出口总量第一、进口总量第二的成就。

    China has entered WTO for ten years . Now China is the second largest export and the biggest import country in the world .

  14. 入世三年来,中外银行在各个领域展开了业务的竞争,而且这种竞争还有愈演愈烈之势。

    During the past 3 years , the competition between the local and foreign banks spread in many field , and become more and more .

  15. 经过入世五年的发展,我国对外贸易已全面展开,需要大量的的高素质国际贸易专门人才。

    With five-year entering into the WTO , our foreign trade has been completely developed so that more high-qualified talents with international trade knowledge are needed .

  16. 我国对开放证券市场的承诺意味着在入世三年内中国的证券市场对外国证券公司逐步开放,中国证券公司会面临客户分流、技术落后以及人才外流等问题。

    The specific commitments in securities market indicate that China will open its securities market to foreign securities firms within three years as from its entry into WTO .

  17. 作者在对入世三年以来农产品贸易情况进行跟踪分析的基础上,剖析了入世后中国农产品贸易方面仍存在的问题,从而有针对性地提出了一些政策建议。

    Retrospection on Three Years ' Entering WTO Based on further analysis , this paper points out the problems existed in Chi na 's agri-trade and proposes some countermeasures .

  18. 入世七年以来,中国的贸易、经济发生了翻天覆地的变化,同时,对相关的环境、产业结构及其就业结构也带来了影响,这种影响是双方面的。

    China has been in WTO for five years , the International Trade and the Economy changed a lot , and the environment , the structure of employment also effected .

  19. 入世三年多来,中国对外经贸持续迅猛增长,创造了世人交口称羡的所谓中国奇迹。

    Foreign trade of China has increased rapidly and continuously during the past more than three years since China acceded to WTO , and created " China miracle " respected by all the world .

  20. 自2004年12月,我国兑现入世三年的承诺,取消对外资零售业地域、数量、经营范围、股权比例等方面的限制,全面对外开放。

    ? From December of 2004 , China cashes the commitment of joining WTO after three years , cancels the restriction to foreign retailing investment in region , quantity , management scope , the portion of share ownership , etc.

  21. 入世4年后的今天,世界排名前30的跨国制药公司几乎全部成功登陆中国,并且建立了自己的生产基地,良好的收益预期带来了其更多的投资以及本土研发。

    Since China 's entry into the WTO in 2001 , world 's top 30 transnational medicine corporations almost have landed China successfully all and established stable bases , and the wonderful expectations of revenue bring more investments , as well as local research and development .

  22. 改革开放以来尤其是入世十年来,我国与世界的联系更加紧密、国际交往日益频繁,社会对于人才需求的档次逐渐提高。

    After the putting forward of reform and opening policy , especially after China entering WTO for ten years , the connection between China and the world is becoming closer and the international communication is becoming more frequently . Therefore , higher demand of talents is needed .

  23. 入世五年来,中国石油石化业发生了五大变化:一是中国石油石化市场按照入世承诺走向开放;

    Dramatic changes have been taking place in the Chinese oil and petrochemical industry over the last five years since China 's accession to the WTO : China 's oil and petrochemical market is moving towards deregulation of foreign participation as promised by China for its accession to the WTO ;

  24. 2001年11月中国加入WTO,入世已经10年,同时随着信息产业化的不断深入发展,现代办公呈现复杂化、多样化和国际化的趋势。

    It has been 10 years since China joined the WTO In November 2001 . At the same time with the further developing of the information industry , the modern office displays a growing trend of complexity , diversity and internationalization .

  25. 在被一个独立的帝国(艾萨克Comnenus)统治之后,英国国王瑞查德一世在1191年十字军东证期间占领了该岛。

    After the rule of an independent Emperor ( Isaac Comnenus ), King Richard I of England captured the island in1191 during the Crusades .

  26. 国王卡美哈美哈一世死于1819年。

    King Kamehameha I died in 1819 .

  27. 抓住机遇迎接挑战&关于长春市企业应对入世后五年过渡期的思考

    Grasp the opportunity and Meet the Challenge & Reflection on how Enterprises in Changchun Face 5-year Transition after Entering WTO

  28. 2002年是我国入世的第一年,江苏省吸引外商直接投资也出现了一些新的特点:(1)总规模增长迅猛,首次突破100亿美元大关;

    It is the first year since China entered WTO , there are some new characters in Jiangsu province with absorbing FDI .

  29. 除了尊严,什么都没有了。法国国王法兰西斯一世于1525年帕维亚战役失利后所说。

    All is lost save honour popular version of saying by Francis I of France after his defeat atthe battle of pavia , 1525 .

  30. 这座建筑由尼古拉一世建于1838-1849年,被称为“大克里姆林宫”,或者是克里姆林宫的大宫殿。

    This building is called the " Big Kremlin Palace " or Big Palace of the Kremlin , and was built in 1838-1849 by the order of Tsar NicholasI .