
  • 网络The Prophecy
  1. 耶鲁公开课-弥尔顿课程节选他是神话般的人物,可以批准,可以授权这场女性文学的革命,这场革命佛吉尼亚·伍尔夫,在20世纪早期就预言到了。趣味单词v集合;聚集;

    He 's almost a mythological figure who can sanction , who can authorize this revolution in women 's writing that Virginia Woolf is beginning to prophesy here early in the twentieth century .

  2. 罗杰•布托常常自诩为16世纪的大预言家诺查丹马斯,不过也确有几分道理。

    Roger Bootle prides himself on being something of a modern-day Nostradamus & with good reason .

  3. 21世纪,很多科学家预言,一些严重的自然灾害将在近期或者不久的将来发生。

    Within the 21st century , many have made predictions of major natural disasters occurring in the near and distant future .

  4. 随着生物科学的发展以及生物工程产业的兴起,生物技术在社会生活各个层面迅速渗透,二十一世纪是生物世纪的预言正在得到验证。

    With the development of bio-science and the rising of bio-engineering industry , bio-technology has penetrated into every aspect of social life , the prediction of THE 21st CENTURY IS A BIO-CENTURY is being proven by us .