
  • 网络WHO headquarters
  1. 世界卫生组织总部位于瑞士日内瓦。

    Roberto Bertollini of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in Geneva , Switzerland .

  2. 处于行政管理和法律上的便利,联盟的秘书处设在瑞士日内瓦世界卫生组织总部。

    For administrative and legal purposes , The Alliance Secretariat is housed within the headquarters of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in Geneva , Switzerland .

  3. 2004年4月世界卫生组织在日内瓦总部召开的全球道路交通伤预防策略会议上预测道路交通伤(RTI)将在2020年成为全球第三位死因。

    In April 2002 , the WTO predicted that road traffic injury ( RTI ) will rank the third of the death cause in the 2020 in the conference about the precaution strategy of the global road injure which was held in the headquarter in Geneva .

  4. 世界卫生组织的191个成员将会在本周末,世界卫生组织位于日内瓦的总部继续讨论。

    The 191 members of the WHO will continue debating the issues at their Geneva headquarters until the end of this week .

  5. 世界卫生组织负责卫生安全和环境事务的助理总干事福田敬二在世界卫生组织日内瓦总部告诉记者,这意味着病毒在任何人之间持续传播会导致猪流感疫情在大的地理范围内爆发。

    Speaking from WHO headquarters in Geneva , Dr. Keiji Fukuda , Assistant Director-General for Health Security and Environment told reporters that this means there is sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus causing outbreaks in a contained geographic area .