
  1. 第五届世界智能大会是中国人工智能领域的一项重大活动,会上签署了价值超过1000亿元人民币(约合160亿美元)的协议。

    Deals worth over 100 billion yuan , or about 16 billion U.S. dollars , have been signed at the fifth World Intelligence Congress , a major artificial-intelligence event in China .

  2. 这份蓝皮书是由信息技术研究咨询公司高德纳和中国信息通信研究院在上海举行的2018世界人工智能大会上联合发布的。

    The blue paper was published by Gartner , an information technology research and advisory company , and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology ( CAICT ) , in Shanghai at the ongoing World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018 .