
  • 网络World Entrepreneur;World Entrepreneur Magazine
  1. 《世界企业家》杂志总编辑丁海森表示,中国MBA教育无法与世界接轨,首先是师资力量匮乏。

    " The world entrepreneur " magazine editor in chief Ding Haisen said , China 's MBA education cannot conform with the world , the first is the shortage of qualified teachers .

  2. 此份排行榜由世界经理人集团旗下《世界企业家》杂志编制。

    This list consists of World Executive Group 's " world entrepreneur " magazine compilation .

  3. 哲学世界与企业家世界

    The World of Philosophy and The World of Entrepreneur

  4. 更重要的是,苹果为全世界的企业家与专业人士树立了长久榜样。

    More importantly , Apple has set a lasting example for entrepreneurs and professionals worldwide .

  5. 事实上,所有人都希望,最终将是更多发展中世界的企业家而不是非政府组织或企业赞助商去开发利用自己同胞的才华。

    Indeed , one hopes that eventually it will be more developing world entrepreneurs who harness their own compatriots ' talent , rather than NGO or corporate sponsors .

  6. 本联合会定名为:联合国世界财富名人企业家联合协会。

    This federation chooses a name is : FORTUNE CELEBRITY enterpriser association .

  7. 在外包和制药业等领域,印度至少有一些世界级的企业家。

    India at least boasts some world-class entrepreneurs in such areas as outsourcing and pharmaceuticals .

  8. 但是,谴责企业对这个迅速改变的世界做出的企业家反应&外包或其它管理方式,这种做法是错误的。

    But to blame companies ' entrepreneurial response to the rapidly changing world – offshoring or other management practices – is a mistake .

  9. 比尔.盖茨可能是全世界最知名的企业家。

    Bill Gates is perhaps the world 's best known entrepreneur .

  10. 在表面上,他极力装作是世界最进步的企业家。

    Publicly he tried to be the world 's most progressive businessman .

  11. 就我在全国全世界所见,企业家作为职业正备受欢迎,尤其是对年轻人。

    For everything I 've seen nationwide and worldwide , it 's becoming an increasingly popular profession for the young adults .

  12. 在总统先生邀请世界最大的互联网企业家参加2月在加利福尼亚举办的科技高峰会之后,我们可以明显看出,总统先生痴迷新科技。

    The President is clearly a fan of new technology , after he invited the world 's biggest internet entrepreneurs to a technology summit in California in February .

  13. 这对于发展中世界的一小群企业家而言是利好消息,这些企业家如今想出了炉灶销售及维修的新颖商业模式。

    That will come as good news to the small army of entrepreneurs in the developing world now coming up with novel business models to sell and service the cooking stoves .

  14. 这一以融物的形式实现融资目的的新型筹资方式,一经出现即受到企业界的青睐,继而被世界许多国家的企业家广为采用。

    The new method through leasing equipment to achieve financing purpose has been favored by the business circle as soon as it appeared , and then it was widely adopted by many international enterprisers .