
  • 网络Electronic Catalog;Electronic Catalogue;e-catalog;eCatalog
  1. 本文的创新点在于设计基于本体的电子目录集成体系。

    In this paper , the point is to design innovative ontology-based integrated electronic catalog system .

  2. 大多数电子商务网站只能提供静态的电子目录,商品和服务的价格等条款通常都是事先设定的,不允许修改或不提供谈判的方式。

    Most E-Commerce websites can only offer the static electronic catalogue , such clauses as the price of the goods and service , etc.

  3. 浅议汽车零配件电子目录EPC集成软件机架(及零件),铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用

    Discussion for auto parts EPC integration software frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

  4. 该方法利用概念图作为知识表示工具,根据电子目录等现有资源来抽取概念,利用EDI构建概念结构,从而构建招标领域本体。

    This method uses concept graphs as knowledge expressing tool , and extracts concepts based on the existing resources such as E-catalogs . It uses EDI to construct concept structure , then to construct the domain ontology of the tendering system .

  5. 奢侈品购物网1stdibs北美地区经销商主管克里斯蒂娜猠勒(CristinaMiller)说:不管是在自家网站、还是在拍卖行的电子目录上亮相,上世纪70年代风格首饰的高曝光率让珠宝首饰的行情更加火爆。

    Cristina Miller , North American head of dealer relations at online marketplace 1stdibs , says the high visibility of 1970s jewellery online is fuelling the market - whether on its website or the auction house e-catalogue .

  6. 电子目录在电子商务中的设计应用及实现实例

    Designing and Implementing E - catalogs in E - business

  7. 电子目录模板的标准化研究和模板管理设计

    Research on Electrical Catalogue Template Standardization and Template Management Design

  8. 电子目录不再只是提供商品的规格,更是提供客户服务的重要媒介。

    E-catalog not only provides product information , but becomes the important media of service providing for customers .

  9. 在电子目录或产品手册中,根据零部件信息多以表格形式组织和描述的特点,提出了基于表格资源提取通用零部件本体模型的方法。

    According to the characteristics of parts information table , a semi-automatic approach to extract ontology model for common parts from tables was presented .

  10. 您可以每个扶轮社建立一个档案或是一个电子目录,然后将您与扶轮社联络的纪录或是收到的社刊继续归档。

    You may set up either a file or an electronic directory on each club , adding information as you have contact with the club or receive club bulletins .

  11. 本文较详细的把基于本体映射的电子目录智能服务和电子目录智能化服务理论进行了阐述,能推进电子目录技术的发展。

    In this paper , a detailed map of the body based on intelligent electronic directory services and electronic directory services theory of intelligent described , to promote e-directory technology .

  12. 首先,人们获得的各种信息仅仅是一种电子目录,缺乏真实感,而且对海量的信息作比较也是十分困难的;

    First , the information that people get from Internet is only electronic category which is short of vividness , otherwise , do some compare for so much information is a real hard work ;

  13. 通过Nook应用,其他国家的居民也可以浏览BarnesNoble的电子产品目录。

    Via the Nook app , non-Americans will also be able to leaf through Barnes Noble 's digital catalogue .

  14. 通过Nook应用,其他国家的居民也可以浏览Barnes&Noble的电子产品目录。

    Via the Nook app , non-Americans will also be able to leaf through Barnes & Noble 's digital catalogue .

  15. 下面的插图显示了电子产品目录中的三页。

    The following illustration shows three pages from an electronics catalog .

  16. 基于网络的电子期刊目录的创建

    Creation of Web-based Electronic Journal List

  17. 电子化目录可以让顾客看到更加全面的产品,因此能够节约很多金钱。

    Electronic catalogs can save a lot of money because they give buyers a more integrated view of the products .

  18. 电子商品目录会在屏幕上给你放映吸尘器操作示范,甚至还可以让你随便翻阅使用说明书。

    Electronic catalogs will show you a demonstration of , say , a vacuum cleaner on your screen , and even let you browse through the instruction manual .

  19. 我想在翻看电子图书目录和播放列表的时候也有同样的感觉,不过我觉得有些东西还是会被弄丢的。

    I guess there might be some of the same pleasure in scrolling through a digital library or music playlist , but somehow I think something will be lost .

  20. 针对电子政务目录体系和交换体系的跨部门共享数据相容性、业务流程协同性等问题,提出一种由服务模式、技术架构、信息资源和管理机制组成的可行解决总体框架;

    This paper studies the data compatibility and business operation flow co-operation among different departments in the area of e-government catalog system and exchange system . A solution framework that consists of service pattern , technical frame , information resources and management mechanism is proposed .

  21. 请寄来贵公司电子打火机的目录和价格表。

    Please send us your catalogs and price-list of the electronic gas lighter .

  22. 本发明使公共和私人电子网上购物目录服务成为可能。

    The invention enabled the use of catalogs both public and private for electronic online shopping .

  23. 电子版征订目录对图书馆采访工作的影响图书馆采访工作存在的问题及对策

    The Effect of Electronic Subscription Catalog on the library Acquisition Problems in library acquisition and their countermeasures

  24. 该方案主要针对电子政务信息目录的建立和信息的发布和查询。

    The solution focuses on the construction of e-government information directory and publication and query of information .

  25. 除了通讯录,我可能还需要处理议程、电子表格、目录信息以及其它旧数据。

    In addition to the address book , I may need to process agendas , spreadsheets , cataloging information , and other legacy data .

  26. 基于多媒体电子地图集的超目录结构模型设计与应用

    Design and Application of Super-catalogue Structure Model for Multimedia Electronic Atlas

  27. 电子政务信息资源目录服务体系设计

    Research of Information Resource in Electronic Business Directory Service System

  28. 电子地图集的超目录结构模式研究

    Research on Hyper-Catalog Structure Pattern of Electronic Atlas

  29. 关于电子资源机读目录格式著录的探讨

    Talking about the Electronic Resources MARC Cataloguing

  30. 除了以上实体渠道外,电视直销、电子商务、邮购目录也得到迅猛发展。

    Besides the above-mentioned entity channels , TV Direct-Sale , E-business and mail-order catalogue are booming .