
  • 网络emotional marketing;Emotion Marketing
  1. 情感营销:中国职业体育的主要营销策略

    Emotional Marketing the Main Marketing Strategy of Professional Sports in China

  2. 情感营销同样需要产品的品质作为后盾。

    Emotional marketing also need the quality of the products as backing .

  3. 浅析情感营销与提升品牌竞争力

    Analysis of Emotion Marketing and the Promotion of Brand Competitive Power

  4. 浅谈中国酒店在经营过程中的情感营销

    Talking about the Emotion Marketing in the Operation Process of Chinese Hotels

  5. 非处方药市场营销的新理念&情感营销

    A New Concept of Over-the-Counter ( OTC ) Drugs Marketing & Emotional Marketing

  6. 目的探讨医药领域情感营销策略。

    Objective To determine the strategies of emotional marketing in the medicinal field .

  7. 其中包括感官营销,情感营销,思考营销,行动营销,关联营销。

    Including sensory marketing , emotional marketing , thinking marketing , mobile marketing and related marketing .

  8. 情感营销也将成为新兴和有效的营销方式越来越受到企业商家的重视。

    Emotional marketing will become the emerging and effective marketing by more and more enterprises merchants attention .

  9. 第四章研究情感营销的战略,提出情感营销与广告相结合。

    In the fourth chapter , describe emotional marketing strategy and put forward strategy that combined emotional marketing and advertising strategy .

  10. 第二章针对情感营销的理论从传统营销、关系营销、网络营销三方面的理论进行阐述。

    In the second chapter , to elaborate traditional marketing , relationship marketing , internet marketing base on the emotional marketing theory .

  11. 方法:阐释情感营销概念,探讨其在非处方药市场营销环节上的应用。

    METHODS : The concept of emotional marketing was explained and the application of which in each link of the OTC drug marketing was analyzed .

  12. 本着尊重、关爱体育观众的理念和原则,提出了中国职业体育开展情感营销的一些方式和方法。

    Based on the concept and principle of respecting and caring for sport audience , some methods and ways of developing emotional marketing in Chinese professional sports are put forwarded .

  13. 研究视觉营销在展示领域的运用,主要目标是阐述视觉营销在展示新环境下,作为人体工程学、情感营销学及视觉心理学三门交叉学科的理论概念。

    On application of visual merchandising in exhibition is aimed at presentation of visual merchandising as three cross subject ( Ergonomics , Emotion Marketing and Visual Psychology ) in new environment of exhibition .

  14. 简介了情感营销的基本原理,结合对中国职业体育的本质属性和现实状况的分析,阐述了情感营销应当成为中国职业体育的主要营销策略的论断。

    This paper simple introduce the basic principle of emotional marketing , explains the reasons that emotional marketing should become the main marketing strategy of Chinese professional sports combining with analysis on practical condition and essential attribute .

  15. 近年来,一些营销新思维如概念营销、绿色营销、权力营销、情感营销、体验营销等在中国已经被许多企业所运用,并产生了很好的效果。

    Recently , some new marketing concepts such as Concept Marketing , Green Marketing , Executive Power for Marketing , Emotion Marketing and Experience Marketing have been widely applied by many enterprises in China with perfect effects .

  16. 与感情做的一次买卖时尚消费中情感走向及营销对策

    Emotion Trend in Fashion Consumption and Marketing Countermeasures

  17. 论情感分享与饭店营销

    The Sharing of Emotions and Restaurant Promotion

  18. 市场经济条件下,情感因素对于市场产品营销具有十分重要的意义,本文着重就情感营销思路加以分析和探讨。

    Under market economy , emotional factors play an important role in products marketing .

  19. 同时,提出情感和谐度作为情感营销驱动效应的评价指标。

    At same time it takes emotion harmonious degree as the index to estimate the driving effect .

  20. 作者试从时尚消费的发生、时尚消费中情感心理特点、时尚消费中情感维度及其营销对策与控制方面进行多角度的探讨分析。

    The author tries to make a multi-angle exploration and analysis of the occurrence of fashion consumption , the characteristics of emotion psychology in fashion consumption , the emotion dimensions in fashion consumption and its marketing countermeasures .

  21. 本文基于顾客情感驱动因素分析,运用和谐理论与系统论对营销中顾客情感状态进行研究,构建情感营销机制,并通过建立情感营销驱动模式来促进顾客情感和谐。

    On the base of customer emotion facts , this paper uses the harmonious and system theory to analyze the emotion , and bring out the emotional marketing mechanism and establish emotional marketing driving model to promote emotion harmonious .

  22. 消费者情感体验是影响消费者行为的重要因素,对消费者情感体验的研究是制定情感体验营销策略的基础。

    Consumer affect experience is an important factor that influences consumer behavior , and the psychology analysis of consumer affect experience is a foundation of affect experience marketing .