
  1. 很多女性压力大的时候喜欢吃很多安(gao)慰(ka)食物,所以学会深呼吸放松和谨慎地进餐有助于把情感饥饿和生理饥饿区分开来。

    Since many women crave comfort ( read : high-calorie ) foods when they 're stressed , learn how to practice deep breathing to relax yourself and practice mindful eating techniques to help separate emotional hunger from physiological .

  2. 身体上的饥饿在得到满足后就就会感觉愉快,但情感上的饥饿通常是聚焦在特别的味道和口感。

    Physical hunger is happy to get what it can , while emotional hunger usually focuses on specific tastes and textures .

  3. 如果你在用食物来安抚情感而不是饥饿那么就无法区分身体到底希望什么,也无法真正享用食物。

    If you are using food to soothe feelings other than hunger , you won 't be able to tell what your body really wants or to really enjoy what you eat .