
  • 网络emotion world;emotional world;emotional life
  1. 司马翎武侠小说的情感世界

    The Emotion World of Sima Ling 's Kungfu Fictions

  2. 《红楼梦影》中薛宝钗的情感世界

    Shape Shadow XUE Bao-chai 's Emotion World in Dream of Red Chamber Ying

  3. LOVE和HATE具有显示人们心理或情感世界的语义韵特征。

    Both LOVE and HATE bear the semantic prosody of showing people ' psychological world or emotional world .

  4. 情感世界是人的基本存在方式。

    Feeling is the basic present form of human being .

  5. 洞察学生情感世界提高职教课堂教学效率

    To Fully Perceive Students ' Emotions for Improving Teaching Efficiency of Vocational Education

  6. 情感世界中的创造与探索&德加作品解读

    Creating and Investigating in the Emotion World : Rereading Edgar Degas ' works

  7. 舞蹈动作是心灵深处之情感世界的形象表白。

    The dance movements are emotion of world heart 's core image vindicating .

  8. 通过这些内容,他表现出自己复杂的情感世界。

    By such content , express his own emotional .

  9. 书中,蒙哥马利探寻了章鱼的情感世界。

    In the book , Montgomery explores the emotional world of the octopus .

  10. 他笔下的女性大部分都有自己丰富的情感世界,并非装点摆设。

    He described women have rich emotional world , not to decorate the ornaments .

  11. 因此,当我们解读古典诗词的梦境时,就不仅是在探寻诗人内心的情感世界,同时也是在还原那一个个独特的时代,而这正是古典诗词的独特魅力及艺术价值之所在。

    Thus the unique fascination and art value of classical poems can be embodied .

  12. 导师策略:发挥导学作用,关注学习者的情感世界。

    Tutor 's strategy are their guide learning and concerning learner 's emotion world .

  13. 论艺术与人的情感世界

    Discuss Emotional World Of The Art And Human

  14. 异化劳动使人性严重扭曲,使人类情感世界日益萎缩。

    Alienation labor seriously distorted human nature , shrinked human beings ' emotional world .

  15. 走近牛虻&试探《牛虻》主人公情感世界

    Approaching Gadfly & Reflections on the Feelings of the Leading Character of Gadfly by Voynich

  16. 魏晋玄学与魏晋人的情感世界

    Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Period and the Emotional world of people in Wei and Jin

  17. 《钱学森的情感世界》是一本结构新颖、内涵丰厚、感人至深的传记性著作。

    Qian Xuesen 's Feeling World is a moving biography which has new structure and wealth content .

  18. 徘徊在现实与浪漫之间&爱米莉·勃朗特与她笔下的情感世界

    Wandering Between reality and Romance

  19. 这部作品的主要社会性主题是物质利益和情感世界之间的矛盾冲突。

    The conflict of material interests and emotional world is the main social theme of this novel .

  20. 社会生活节奏日益加快,使现代人的情感世界面临着前所未有的诱惑和困惑。

    Ever-accelerating pace of social life , so that the modern world faces unprecedented emotional temptations and confusion .

  21. 情感世界也可称为精神世界或心灵世界。

    " Emotional world " also can be called " spiritual world " or " mind world " .

  22. 本文拟从这些方面来阐述贾宝玉这位千古情痴的情感世界。

    In this paper , ready to set out these areas from the age-old infatuated Jia emotional world .

  23. 王绩情感世界探析&兼论诗人性格对其创作的影响

    The Analysis of Wang Ji 's Emotional World & on the effect of his character on his works

  24. 柳如是特别钟情于“杨柳”意象,这是她情感世界的感性显现。

    Her exceptional love of the images of polars and willows is a perceptual revelation of her emotional world .

  25. 一部成功的小说作品,最重要的,莫过于它所揭示的心灵世界和情感世界。

    For a successful novel , the most important thing lies in the spiritual and emotional world it reveals .

  26. 而意象是诸多要素中要最重要因素,是诗歌的灵魂、脉搏,是理解诗人情感世界、思想意图的关键,是一首诗的生命所在。

    But the most important element of all is the imagery which is the soul of a piece of poem .

  27. 这样做,人们会感到自己融入了情感世界。

    In doing so , people can and do " feel themselves into " the emotional landscapes others are suffering .

  28. 这里是大家的情感世界,想在这里放飞自己心情的,请尽管来吧。

    Here is the emotional world , I would like to release their own feelings here , despite the allegation .

  29. 论述了视觉设计交互性重要性和意义&维系人类物质生活和情感世界关系的互动桥梁。

    Discusses the importance of interaction and visual design sense-to maintain material and emotional world of human interaction between bridge .

  30. 它体现了对学生情感世界的关注,也使教育的干预成为可能。

    It has manifested to the student emotion world attention , also causes the education the intervention into to be possible .