
  1. 是大众价值观,群众情感判断,社会规范的承认者与支持者。

    Recognize and usually adhere to shared values , feelings , and social norms to get along .

  2. 情感判断着眼于挖掘原文审美意象系统构筑的意境和蕴涵的情感;

    The translator 's emotional judgment aims at the artistic conception and emotions expressed in the original aesthetic image system .

  3. 英语幽默话语;评价理论;态度;情感;判断;鉴赏;

    English verbal humor ; Appraisal Theory ; Attitude ; Affect ; Judgement ; Appreciation ;

  4. 态度次系统又分为情感、判断和鉴赏。

    Attitude involves three semantic regions , that is , affect , judgement and appreciation .

  5. 换句话说,情感、判断和鉴赏是语言使用者对描述对象的情感、判断和鉴赏。

    In other words , language users adopt affect , judgement and appreciation to describe the target things .

  6. 借助级差系统,情感、判断和鉴赏可用不同强度来评价。

    With graduation , the affect , judgment and appreciation can be evaluated into different degrees of intensity .

  7. 福加斯猜测,这类情形为我们探索情感对判断的影响提供了一条理想途径。

    Forgas suspected that this kind of situation offered an ideal way to explore how emotions influence our judgments .

  8. 其次,笔者从社会语境和态度系统两方面对《傲慢与偏见》中的三段对话进行分析。态度系统的三个子系统(情感、判断和鉴赏)是分析态度的主要工具。

    Three sets of conversation extracted from Pride and Prejudice will be analyzed from the aspect of social context and Attitude System respectively .

  9. 由情感、判断和鉴别组成的评价系统体现了说话者的态度。

    Through the appraisal system , which is realized by affect , judgment and appreciation , the speaker 's attitudes and opinions can be reflected .

  10. 文学作品中的心理活动是语言使用者(作者)通过他人的心理体现他人的情感,判断和鉴赏。

    Psychological activity in literary works is a way the language users ( writers ) expose others ' Affect , Judgment and Appreciation by describing others ' psychological activities .

  11. 再次,在语法实现形式上,态度意义主要是通过形容词、名词和动词这三种形式来表达的,并且情感、判断和鉴赏资源所倚重的词性表达形式各不相同。

    Then , Attitudinal meaning is mainly realized through three kinds of lexis : adjectives , nouns and verbs . Moreover , the main parts of speech that realize Affect , Judgement and Appreciation meaning are different .

  12. 情感和判断资源的运用很少;判断资源主要用来肯定潜在消费者对汽车需求的合理性;广告中运用了大量的鉴赏资源,给予了汽车产品极高的评价,以此刺激消费者的购买欲望。

    JUDGMENT resources are mainly used to affirm the demand of the product is appropriate and reasonable . A lot of APPRECIATION resources are used to praise the motor vehicles highly in order to arouse the interest of the potential customers . Most evaluation resources are positive .

  13. 本论文提出了一种基于中文情感引发事件判断情感的方法。

    This paper presents an emotion judgment approach based on Chinese Emotion Trigger Dictionary .

  14. 其中,态度系统又被细划为情感系统,判断系统和鉴赏系统,分别与心理学、伦理学和美学相关。

    The Attitude system is subdivided into Affect , Judgement and Appreciation which are related to psychological , ethical and aesthetic domains respectively .

  15. 教育公平感是指由教育者(老师、学校甚至包括学校制度、规则)引发的,受教育者所感受到的是否被公平对待的一种情感体验和判断。

    Educational justice is a kind of emotional experience and judgment of justice . That refers to the educators ( teachers , schools , including school system rules ) .

  16. 无论是中国还是国外成功的道德教育模式都告诉我们,人的道德成长,是建立在道德意志、道德情感、道德判断、道德行动综合发展的基础之上的。

    Successful experiences and cases at home and abroad told us that a person 's mature in morality is based on the comprehensive development of moral determination , moral feeling , judges and actions .

  17. 同时,考虑到描述词具有特征针对性,构建了特征描述词集,辅助情感倾向性判断,进一步提高情感倾向性判断的准确率。

    Meanwhile , we consider those descriptive words which are always targeted to the evaluation object . Therefore , we build the descriptive words set to assist the sentiment analysis , which can improve the precision sentiment analysis .

  18. 大众传媒中塑造的母亲形象的类型及其所包含的情感评价、价值判断在一定程度上反映女性在社会中的生存状态。

    Mother images in mass media reflect the women 's living state in modern times .

  19. 由于态度系统可以用来评价文本中所构建的感情,其中包括情感反应、行为判断以及事物鉴赏。

    The Attitude system can evaluate the feelings texts construe , including Affect , Judgment and Appreciation .

  20. 在日常交流中,人们不仅要表达语篇的命题意义,同时也不可避免的要表达其立场,即说话人或者作者的主观态度,情感,或价值判断。

    When conveying propositional meanings , people also inevitably express their stance , that is , their attitudes , feelings or value judgments .

  21. 德性作为人的一种心灵品质,在本质上属于情感问题,德性判断表明了主体对评价对象的一种态度和情感。

    As a character of human mind , virtue belongs to emotional problem in essence . Moral judgement shows a kind of attitude or feeling of the subject to the evaluated object .

  22. 而从主题阅读教学对于发展学生个性、丰富学生情感、影响价值判断、提升阅读品质方面进行探究无疑是一个可以尝试的途径。

    From the theme of teaching reading in the development of individual students , rich students emotional impact value judgement , enhance the quality of reading to explore is a way to try .

  23. 在这一过程中,鉴赏者要调动审美感觉、知觉、注意、联想、想象、情感、理解、判断等心理因素,进而形成有机统一的、动态的审美心理机制。

    In this process , an appreciator must use all psychological factors such as aesthetic sensation , perception , attention , association , imagination , emotion , understanding and judgment and this can form an integrated and changeable psychological mechanism .

  24. 文学翻译以原作审美情感的移植为核心,这一过程可描述为情感判断、情感体验、情感移植的线性序列。

    Literary translating is essentially reproducing aesthetic emotions of the source text , which involves the translator 's judgment , experience and transplantation of them .

  25. 商品评论倾向性分析包括两个任务:一是商品评论中评论对象的抽取;二是商品评论情感倾向性分析,包括观点句的识别及其情感极性判断。

    Sentiment analysis for product reviews contains two tasks : the first task is how to extract the comment-target in product reviews ; the second task points to two problems , opinion sentences recognition and how to judge the polarity of opinion sentences .

  26. 文本情感分类是指通过挖掘和分析文本中的立场、观点、看法、情绪等主观信息,对文本的情感倾向做出类别判断。

    Sentiment classification automatically classifies a text as expressing positive or negative sentiment through mining and analyzing subjective information in the text such as standpoint , view , attitude , mood , and so on .