
  • 网络Concept map
  1. 基于概念地图的地学模型建模过程包括系统模型描述、用户模型定义、模型建造、模型解释与转换以及CASE生成几部分。

    The Geo-model construction process based on concept map has 5 steps : Geo-model description , Geo-model definition , model construction , transformation from Geo-model to computational model , and CASE generation .

  2. 国外的研究表明,有多种技术可用于学习困难儿童的学习干预,其中关键技术有CAI程序、文语转换、语音识别和概念地图等。

    Overseas studies indicate that many technologies can be applied to improve studies of students with learning disabilities . The key technologies include CAI program , Text-to-Speech , Speech-to-Text and Concept Map .

  3. 概念地图能够提供知识结构的视觉表征。

    Conception map provides the visual purpose for the knowledge structure .

  4. 决策-模式识别,概念地图,过虑。

    Sense Making – pattern recognition , Concept Mapping , filtering .

  5. 进行概念地图的结构分析可以在一定程度上有效地评价知识。

    Structural analysis of concept maps can effectively evaluate knowledge to some degree .

  6. 不同学科概念地图研究的反思

    Introspection to the Concept Map Study of Different Courses

  7. 概念地图在计算机基础教学中的应用

    Application of Concept Map in Basic Computer Teaching

  8. 概念地图及其结构分析在知识评价中的应用(Ⅲ):实证研究

    Applications of Concept Maps and Their Structural Analysis in Knowledge Evaluation , Part ⅲ

  9. 概念地图支持的教学研究

    Research on Instruction Supported by Concept Map

  10. 概念地图绘制及其建构量规

    The Mapping and Gauge of Conception Map

  11. 对概念地图及结构分析在知识评价中应用的实证研究,为进一步利用概念地图全面评价知识奠定了基础。

    The empirical study can be a basis for the comprehensive evaluation of knowledge by using concept maps .

  12. 随后,详细讨论了模型支持系统的应用特点,基于概念地图的空间模型建模的环境和工作流程。

    Then we discuss in detail the characteristic of the model supporting system and the visual model construction environment .

  13. 概念地图在知识表示与知识评价中的应用(Ⅱ)&概念地图作为知识评价的工具及其研究框架

    Applications of Concept Maps in Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Evaluation , Part ⅱ: Concept Maps as Tools for Knowledge Evaluation

  14. 而概念地图、认知地图和思维导图则是可视化方法在知识组织中的有益探索。

    The conceptual map , cognitive map and mind map are the useful explorations where visualization technology has been pursued in the knowledge organization .

  15. 作为一种传达知识的手段,概念地图为文本语言提供了补充。

    As a means to communicate knowledge , conception map provides supplement for text . The paper introduces conception map to KM with a view to promote knowledge management .

  16. 引出合理解决方案,即使用基于概念地图的计算机评价系统,并对概念地图构图模式及评价策略作了详尽阐释。

    Therefore , the dissertation offers a reasonable solution which is a computer-assisted assessment system based on concept map . Then composition model and assessment strategy using concept map are presented detailedly .

  17. 概念地图构建方法关心概念选取、概念分类、中心概念定位、连接概念和交叉概念等几个主要问题。

    Methods for the construction of concept maps are related to the selection of concepts , the classification of concepts , the orientation of central concepts , linking concepts and cross concepts .

  18. 概念地图是一种典型的知识可视化技术,能够促进右脑的发展,培养学生创造性的思维,优化知识结构。

    Concept map is one of a typical knowledge visualization technology , it can boost the right brain development , foster students ' creative thinking , and optimize the structure of knowledge .

  19. 对概念地图作为知识评价工具的研究框架进行了实证分析;提出了18个概念地图结构分析的测量指标,并验证了这些指标的信度和效度。

    The authors make an empirical study of concept map as a research framework of knowledge evaluation , propose 18 measurement indicators for the analysis of concept maps , and prove the credibility and effectiveness of these indicators .

  20. 在条件允许的情况下,师生要熟练掌握概念地图制作软件的操作,制作流程,能够做到随时绘制出构图来,这样才能随时记录,达到预期的作用。

    In conditions , the teachers and students should skilled grasp concept map fabrication software operation , the procedure of production , also can draw the composition at any time , so as to achieve the desired effect on record .

  21. 通过概念地图,可以有效地创建知识,将不同用户及专家的知识以概念实体与概念关系的形式组织,以图形化的形式加以表示,来支持地学模型建模。

    Through the concept map method the new knowledge can be effectively obtained . The experiential knowledge of different user and expert can be organized through the concept entity and concept relation and represented visually as map , thus support the geo-model construction .

  22. 文章提出了地图图形的集合概念和地图图像形态分析的基元确定原则,证明了结构元素的基元最小分解定理;

    The paper presented a new concept of map graph subset and the principle determining basic element of morphologic analysis of map image , and proved a minimun decomposing theorems of basic element of structuring element .

  23. 最后,开发实现了面向产品概念设计的专利地图系统GIST,并给出锁、塑料凳等产品的专利地图实例。

    A visualization and interaction structure was set up based on Flex technology . Finally , the patent mapping system for conceptual design was developed , named GIST ( GIS for patent ) . And some practical examples were presented such as lock and plastic stool .

  24. 我所教的一个基本概念是&情感地图。

    One of the basic concepts I teach is called The Emotional Map .

  25. 研究还加入了可信度概念以提高分布式地图融合的正确率。3.算法验证仿真器:本课题为验证算法设计开发了仿真器。

    On this basis , research introduces the credibility to improve the integration accuracy . 3 . Algorithm validation simulation : Research design and develop simulation in order to verify algorithm .

  26. 本文通过对电子地图概念与特点以及地图信息传递过程分析,指出电子地图应用特点与电子地图应用方法的研究内容。

    This paper studies the relationship between map information and its transfer process , analyses the concept and characteristic of electronic map , points out the application characteristic of electronic map and the study content of the application method of electronic map .

  27. 提出了客观地图和主观地图的概念,认为主观地图在地图学研究中被弱化和边缘化了,主观地图研究应成为地图研究的重要内容。

    It has putting forward the concept of the objective map and subjective map , believing that the subjective map has been weakening in cartographical study and is becoming fringed . The subjective map research should be introduced to be major content of the cartographical research .