
  • 网络Problem Tree;logic tree
  1. 分析了问题树在参与式农技推广中的应用,以期提高参与式农技推广方法的应用效果。

    It analyzed the application of the problem tree in popularization of participating for improving the application effect of the method .

  2. 本文介绍了问题树分析法的概念,理论要点,特点,分析步骤,模型结构及在区域发展研究中的重要性。

    The concept , theory , characteristics , analytical steps , model structure of problem tree analysis and the importance in regional development planning were introduced in the paper .

  3. 运用项目管理的有关理论和问题树的方法对这四个国际合作项目中文化差异导致的风险进行了分析、识别及评估。

    Relevant project management theories and ' Problem Tree ' method are then used to analysis and identify the risks of the international cooperation projects caused by the differences of the cultures .

  4. 充分灵活运用半结构访谈、问题树、小组会议等参与式工具,与农户一起分析本流域存在的问题,并找出相应的解决方法。

    Flexible use the PRA tools such as semi-structure interview , problem tree , small group meeting , analyze the existing problem in this river basin with farmer and find the corresponding solution .

  5. 第一部分简述了企业信息化实施策略的相关理论基础和方法。分别对企业信息化相关理论、问题树分析法、战略一致性模型和诺兰的阶段模型理论进行了回顾。

    The first part mainly describes the relevant theoretical basis and methods of implantation strategy of company informatization , respectively summarizing the theoretical basis of company informatization , problem tree analysis method , strategy alignment model and Nolan model .

  6. 遥感图像中多分类问题的树型RBF神经网络方法

    RBF neural tree networks for multi-class classification in remote sensing

  7. 基于两类问题的树网络多分类方法将两分类方法和判决树相结合,利用两分类方法来减少神经网络的训练时间,利用树型分类器来提高识别率。

    Based on binary partition method and decision tree , a binary neural tree network ( BNTN ) classifier is proposed .

  8. 根据设计问题障碍树的最小径集,寻求多冲突问题求解的最佳途径和方案。

    According to the minimal path set of design obstacle tree , explore the best path and solutions for solving the multi-contradiction problem .

  9. 处理括号配对问题的Systolic树

    A systolic tree for parentheses matching

  10. 建立了诊断问题的任务树模型,提出了基于多Agent的诊断任务串行与并行以及混合控制策略。

    By these methods , the task tree model of diagnostic problem is established . And this paper presents serial , parallel and hybrid strategies of the diagnostic task control in multi-Agent-based fault diagnosis system .

  11. 本文围绕查全率和查准率的效率问题,引入树匹配思想,对基于XML的元数据检索进行了深入的研究。

    This thesis aims at the efficiency problem of accuracy and recall rate in XML retrieval . Based on tree matching , the thesis makes a further study on the XML retrieval technology about metadata .

  12. 再考虑到现实中的数据质量问题,鉴于树算法对孤立点有免疫力和自动处理缺失数据的优点,所以选择CART树算法作为主要建模工具。

    When data quality issue in reality is also taken into account , we choose CART as the modeling tool , given that tree algorithm is immune to outliers and can deal with missing values automatically .

  13. 但问题是毛毛虫树不是唯一的。

    But the problem is the number of caterpillar tree is not only one .

  14. 提出了一种避免了多值偏向问题的决策树算法&AF算法;

    Second , this paper proposes a new decision tree algorithm , AF algorithm , which avoids multivalue bios .

  15. 针对计算机应用技术专业教学中存在的众多问题,应树立面向学生、以学生为中心的课程设计思想和教学思想。

    Aming at various problems existed in the teaching of computer applied technology specialty , the teaching reform should establish the curriculum design thought and teaching thought of facing with students and taking students as the center .

  16. 文章通过将单圈图的离散数的计算问题转化为树或圈的离散数计算问题,提供了一个单圈图的离散数的计算方法。

    By rewriting the problem of computing the scattering number of unicyclic graphs as the problem of computing that of the tree or the cycle , the article develops an algorithm of computing the scattering number of unicyclic graph .

  17. 为解决传统磁盘阵列技术受系统总线与设备通道制约的问题,采用树结构和单元控制器构建了新型的存储系统。

    In order to resolve the restricted system bus and the equipment channel based on the traditional redundant array of independent disks ( RAID ), a new simple tree structure storage system ( STSSS ) was constructed by RAID with unit controllers .

  18. 在遗传算法(GA)的实际应用中,许多问题都可以采用树结构描述。

    In the practical applications of genetic algorithm ( GA ), a lot of problems can be described as tree structures .

  19. 首先,分析已有的起源模型以及存在的问题,针对XML树型结构特征,引入一种新的标注表示结构,进而提出更一般的起源模型。

    First , we analyze existing provenance model and the problems . Aiming at the characteristics of XML tree structure , a novel annotation structure is introduced , and the more general provenance model is proposed .

  20. 测试序列问题是基于诊断树方法的实时故障诊断中的关键问题,且被证明属于NPC类问题。

    The key element of real-time diagnosis based on the diagnostic directed tree is the Testing Sequential Problem ( TSP ), which is known to be the NP-complete .

  21. 然后,本文又将机制设计的标准工具VGC机制应用到解决最短路问题和最小支撑树问题。

    Then , we apply the standard tools of mechanism design to the shortest paths problem and the minimum spanning tree problem .

  22. 该算法是一种利用数学规划思想的ACO算法,通过定义不确定条件下的可解集合、待解集合和选解集合将动态配流问题映射为方案树,保证了时间约束条件。

    The method is ACO that is one of Mathematical Program , in which time constraints is guaranteed based on defining the possibility break up set , waiting set and choice set to mapping dynamic wagon-flow allocating onto scheme tree .

  23. 运输问题的最小生成树算法

    A Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm for Solving the Transportation Problem

  24. 0/1背包问题的动态状态树的回溯算法

    The backtracking algorithm of dynamic state space tree of 0 / 1 knapsack problem

  25. 递归问题的二叉树求解方法

    Use Two-Tree to Work Out The Recursion Problem

  26. 一个问题在该行树简出发生在双字节语言是固定的。

    A problem in which the line of dendrogram slips out of place in double byte languages was fixed .

  27. 由于近年来一系列的食品安全问题,要重树消费者的信任还需要一定的时间。

    With a string of food scares in recent years , it may take some time to restore their trust .

  28. 利用定义的合理指派路径及其串联操作,分析了工作流授权合理性问题与/或树节点的可解性。

    Using the defined reasonable task assignment path and its concatenate operation , the solution of And / Or tree of WAR was studied .

  29. 下面的关系图将这些问题显示为决策树,将帮助您以可视化形式了解不同问题之间的相互关系。

    The following diagram displays the questions as a decision tree and will help you visualize how the various questions relate to one another .

  30. 本文给出了逻辑划分问题解集合的树结构以及有关总针数的若干矩阵不等式,建立了一个分枝限界算法。

    This paper presents the tree structure of the solution set for logic partitioning problem and some matrix inequalities relating to the total amount of pins .