
  1. 这回又怎么了?班布尔先生不耐烦地问,别那么不识好人心,这位先生会照顾你的。

    What is it this time ? asked Mr Bumble impatiently . Dont be so ungrateful GetWord (" ungrateful "); . This gentleman is going to look after you .

  2. 如果他问你,别告诉他。

    Don 't tell him if he asks you .

  3. 经常在这段时间去问问题,别等到考试前最后一刻才想起去问。

    Go to their office hours regularly or when needed and don 't wait till the last minute to ask them questions .

  4. 啊,先生,别再问了,别再追问可怜的多比了。小精灵结结巴巴地说,眼睛在黑暗中大得像铜铃。

    Ah , sir , ask no more , ask no more of poor Dobby , stammered the elf , his eyes huge in the dark .

  5. 其它建议包括:与巴西人交谈时别问私人问题,别用命令的口气对待中东游客等等。

    Other tips : Don 't go around askingBrazilians personal questions and never be bossy with visitors from the MiddleEast .