
  1. 北京千户新房迁居户问卷调查报告

    Report on The Survey of A Thousand Relocated Households in Beijing

  2. 大众传媒与青少年成长&青少年媒体接触现状问卷调查报告

    Mass Media and the Growth of Teenagers : A Questionnaire Survey

  3. 上海地区2004年度哮喘患者问卷调查报告

    Asthma questionnaire completed by patients in Shanghai in 2004

  4. 本文是对珠江三角洲外来工中的职业病患者的问卷调查报告。

    This paper is a report of a survey of the patients with various occupational diseases in the Pearl River Delta .

  5. 《国际商业问卷调查报告2007》这份年度调查报告显示,32个国家7200名大中型私企业主的受访者对2007年的经济前景较去年更为乐观。

    The International Business Report , an annual survey of 7,200 owners of private medium and large businesses , showed more optimism in 2007 about the prospects for the economies of the 32 countries surveyed than for last year .

  6. 在提交给F.D.A.的临床试验结果中,服用该药物的妇女们还在每月的问卷调查中报告,她们感到性欲增强了,只是与安慰剂差异甚微——在评分范围为1.2到6.0分的量表中仅差0.3分上下。

    In the clinical trial results submitted , women taking the drug also reported on monthly questionnaires that they felt more desire , although the difference compared with a placebo was also meager - only about 0.3 points on a scale ranging from 1.2 to 6.0 .

  7. 大学生学业成就归因问卷调查分析报告

    An analysis to the questionnaire of college student achievement factors for academic learning

  8. 1996年东莞企业状况问卷调查分析报告

    A report on the analysis of questionnaires on the enterprise 's situation in Dongguan in 1996

  9. 乌鲁木齐地区中小学教师继续教育问卷调查分析报告

    A Report on the Analysis of Questionnaires on the Continuing Education of Primary and Middle School Teachers in Urumqi District

  10. 关于200份《医学目的问卷》的调查报告

    A Research Report about 200 Question Papers of Medical Parpose

  11. 高师数学专业课程改革问卷调查的分析报告

    The Analysis Report on Questionnaire Investigation of Course Reform in the Mathematics Major in Normal University

  12. 本文是一项有关大学生英语背诵情况问卷调查的研究报告。

    This article is a report of a questionnaire survey on English recitation by Chinese college students .

  13. 研究采用问卷调查、口语报告分析、内容分析等方法进行实证研究。

    Many others methods of empirical research are used such as a questionnaire survey , oral report analysis , content analysis and other .

  14. 关于新疆城中村改造现状的问卷调查及分析报告&以乌市天山区大湾乡村民为个案

    Report on Questionnaire Survey and Analysis of Reconstruction Status Quo of the " Villages in the City " in Xinjiang & Case Study of the Farmers in Dawan Township in Tianshan District in Urumqi

  15. 本文以认知心理学有关理论为指导,采用问卷调查、口语报告和访谈的方法,针对高中生解决化学信息给予问题进行系统研究。

    With the direction of psychological theory and learning theory , we adopt questionnaire investigation , verbal report and interview method to make systematic research to senior high school student solving chemistry information giving problem .

  16. 本文主要是对粤东的一个天主教教徒村进行的一次问卷调查结果的报告,希望藉此帮助教内外人士更多的了解乡村天主教会的现状。

    This article mainly makes a report of questionnaire outcome on the catholic village in the eastern area of Guangdong province , and hopes to take this opportunity to help the inside and outside figures of catholicism understand present condition of the Roman Catholic Church of village .

  17. 文章首先对研究的方法,即问卷调查和资产评估报告摘要书搜集的科学性、来源、范围等进行了阐述。

    This paper expounds the science 、 source 、 field of research methods .

  18. 围绕这一问题,作者通过对四川少数民族地区凉山州的青少年犯罪特点的问卷调查,得出以下报告。

    With this view in mind , the authors made a survey into the characteristics of juvenile delinquency in Liangshan Prefecture which lies in an ethnic minority region in Sichuan Province , and put forward this report .