
  • 网络board Independence
  1. 我们使用三个常用的公司治理指标,包含法人持股比例,董事会独立性,及分析师人数等。

    We examine the effect of three governance variables that are widely used in the literature : institutional ownership , board independence , and analyst coverage .

  2. 董事会独立性价值的再研究&基于对绩效波动影响的分析

    Re-examination of the Value of Board Independence : An Analysis Based on the Impact on Performance Variability

  3. 董事会独立性、管理者过度自信与资本结构决策

    Boards of Directors Independence , Managerial Overconfidence and Decisions of Capital Structure

  4. 基于董事会独立性视角的薪酬激励效果问题研究

    Study on Compensation Incentive Effect Based on the Perspective of Directorate Independence

  5. 而提高董事会独立性的措施中最有效的是引入独立董事。

    The independence of the board can be most promoted through the introduction of independent directors .

  6. 董事会独立性与公司绩效的相关关系是有条件的。

    The correlation between the independence of the board of directors and company performance is conditional .

  7. 基于股权结构的董事会独立性与公司绩效的实证研究

    A Positivist Study on Independence of Board of Directors and Company Performance Based on Stock Equity Structure

  8. 本文的研究结论表明,由于在总经理继任计划中发挥着科学决策作用,所以董事会独立性弱化了总经理变更对企业战略转型的积极作用。

    The research results show that the independence of board of directors weakens the positive influence of CEO Turnover to corporate strategic transformation .

  9. 难道目睹窃听丑闻曝光以及董事会独立性的明显缺失,股东依然选择袖手旁观?

    Have shareholders of News Corp just stood by as the hacking issues were revealed and the lack of board independence was evident ?

  10. 其中,董事会独立性特别是外部董事能否提高董事会效率的研究占据了董事会研究的主要地位。

    Among them , independence of directors , especially , outside directors ' effect on improving efficiency of board draws most attention of academia .

  11. 公司制度中征集投票代理权问题研究股权集中度、董事会独立性与治理环境

    Research on Proxy Solicitations of Corporation Law ; Ownership Concentration , Board Independence and Governance Environment : Evidence Based on Listed Companies in China

  12. 因此,完善公司治理问题,特别是董事会独立性问题,可以从上市公司信息披露的角度进行探索。

    Thus , improving corporate governance issues , in particular the independence of the board can change the perspective of information disclosure of listed companies .

  13. 因此,本文以委托代理理论和公司治理论为基础,着重探讨董事会独立性在总经理变更影响企业战略转型过程中所发挥的作用。

    Therefore , this paper discusses the effect of the independence of board of directors takes on the influence of CEO Turnover to corporate strategic transformation .

  14. 董事会独立性不强,董事长权力过大影响了公司的决策水平;

    Interests and rights have been damaged , the boards of directors are short of independency , chair of board overuses his power in decision making , the insiders ?

  15. 年薪水平受到来自于董事会独立性、公司规模的正影响,受到来自监事比例、股权集中度的负影响,具有地区、公司类型上的差异,而未见有公司成长性和行业差异的显著影响;

    The positive influence on salary is coming from independence of directory and company size , and the negative influence is coming from supervisor proportion and concentration degree of ownership .

  16. 董事会独立性、国有产权性质能够削弱管理层权力对财务舞弊概率的边际影响,表现出显著的替代关系。

    The independence of the board and the nature of state-owned property can decrease the marginal effects which managerial power has on the financial fraud , showing a significant alternative relationship .

  17. 为解决对经理人的监督不力、董事会独立性不够的问题,各国纷纷尝试调整公司治理结构,引入独立董事制度。

    In order to solve the problem of bad supervision to manager and non-independence of board of directors , many countries began to adopt independent director system to adjust corporation management structure .

  18. 研究发现,董事会独立性在国家控股公司与非国家控股公司之间存在一定的差异,但对公司权益代理成本几乎没有影响;

    We find that despite of some difference in board 's structure between state controlled firms and no-state controlled firms , the independence of board has little influence on corporate equity agency cost .

  19. 随着董事会独立性(独立非执行董事人数的比例)的提高,董事会决策的公正性效率会提高,但董事会决策的适用性效率会降低。

    With the enhancement of the independence of board of directors , the fairness of the decision made by the board of directors will increase , but the applicability of the decision will decrease .

  20. 首先,对国内外董事会独立性研究文献进行综述,掌握国内外已有的董事性独立性的研究成果;

    Firstly , this paper carries on the survey to the domestic and international research document of the independence of board of directors , and grasps the domestic and international research results of director independence .

  21. 我国上市公司治理结构存在很多缺陷:股权结构不合理,董事会独立性不强,形同虚设,股东法律保护程度低,信息披露不规范等。

    Governance structure of our listed companies have many defects , such as equity structure is not reasonable , directorate is lack of independency , the legal safeguard of shareholders is insufficiency and information disclosure in not canonical .

  22. 本文正是在此背景下,以中国2002年632家上市公司为样本,对董事会独立性与公司治理绩效进行了实证研究。

    Just under this background , this paper carries on a positive research to the relationship between the independence of board of directors and the performance of corporate governance with 632 China 's listed companies in 2002 as the sample .

  23. 这从一个方面揭示出在两职状态方面既要考虑到对董事会独立性的影响,同时也要考虑到对企业管理创新能力的影响。

    This shows from one aspect that , in the two-position status , it is imperative to consider not only the impact on the independence of the board of directors but also the influence on the innovative ability of enterprise management .

  24. 公司治理与上市公司信息披露质量之间内在的关系是学术界一个热点问题,特别是董事会独立性与上市公司信息披露质量之间关系的研究更是热点中的热点。

    The relationship between corporate governance and quality of information disclosure of listed companies is a hot topic in academic circles ; in particular the relationship between Board Independence and the quality of information disclosure of listed companies is a more important hot spot .

  25. 其次,通过描述性分析,检验了上市公司董事会独立性与公司治理的财务绩效、非财务绩效如信息披露、代理成本降低、关联交易以及违规行为等变量之间的关系;

    Secondly , through descriptive analysis , this paper examines the relationship between the independence of board of directors of the listed company and the financial performance of corporate governance and non-financial performance such as the disclosure of information , reducing of agent cost , related trade and unlawful practice .

  26. 纽约证交所和NASDAQ的上市要求最近发生了变化,从这些变化中我们可以明显的看到,董事会的独立性被认为是一个重要且有效的治理机制。

    As is evident from recent changes in NYSE and NASDAQ listing requirements , board independence is assumed to be an important and effective governance mechanism .

  27. 提高董事会的独立性;

    Enhance the independence of the board of directors ;

  28. 董事会的独立性是否影响公司绩效?

    Does Independence of the Board Affect Firm Performance ?

  29. 《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》及相关改革提高了董事会的独立性,恢复了投资者的信心。

    Sarbanes-Oxley and related reforms have increased board independence and restored investor confidence .

  30. 强化董事会的独立性。

    Strengthen the independence of the Board of Directors .