
  • 网络Enterprise strategic transformation;strategy transformation
  1. 另外在中国电信企业战略转型的大背景前提下,重点对以客户为中心的OSS系统建设进行分析,结合97系统改造提出相关的模块建设方法。

    Moreover under the big background premise of the strategic transformation of Chinese telecommunication business enterprise , point to with the customer first to carry on the analysis for the system construction of OSS , combining 97 system reformations to put forward a construction method .

  2. 企业战略转型中的人力资源外包决策研究

    The Study on Human Resource Outsourcing Decision-making in Enterprise Strategic Transformation

  3. 企业战略转型的直接动因包括外部动因和内部动因。

    Direct inducement of strategic transformation includes external inducement and internal inducement .

  4. 企业战略转型的本质及其影响因素分析

    Essence and influence factor analysis of enterprise strategic transformation

  5. 企业战略转型中组织学习的效用分析

    Analysis on the Efficiency of Organizational Learning in the Enterprises ' Strategic Transition

  6. 商业模式再造作为企业战略转型的核心,是电信企业能否成功转型的关键。

    Business recreation mode is the core point of the telecom enterprises transformation .

  7. 国有外贸企业战略转型的理论选择及分析模型

    The Theory and Model of Strategy Restructuring of China 's State-owned Foreign Trade Companies

  8. 因此,企业战略转型成败经验的借鉴意义不言而喻。

    Therefore , the reference meaning of success experience of enterprise strategic transformation is self-evident .

  9. 企业战略转型研究及应用

    The Study about Company Strategy Transition

  10. 基于价值链重定位的大型外贸企业战略转型研究

    A Study on Strategic Transitions of the Large State-owned Foreign Trade Enterprise Based on a Reorientation of the Value Chain

  11. 由此,充分论证了本研究提出的企业战略转型期人才流动管理机制模型的有效性。

    Thus , this study fully demonstrates the strategic transformation of enterprise management mechanism of flow of talent validity of the model .

  12. 本文的研究结论表明,由于在总经理继任计划中发挥着科学决策作用,所以董事会独立性弱化了总经理变更对企业战略转型的积极作用。

    The research results show that the independence of board of directors weakens the positive influence of CEO Turnover to corporate strategic transformation .

  13. 在企业战略转型过程中,取舍意味着企业在一系列经营活动中选择能够为企业创造异质性的活动。

    Trade-off can be described as choice among a set of corporative operations in order to create Heterogeneity in the process of strategic renewal .

  14. 本文运用战略管理学的相关理论,试图对本土中小房地产企业战略转型的路径和方向提供一点思路,希望有助于本土中小房地产企业更好的实施战略转型。

    This thesis tries to help those SMREEs carry out the strategic transformation more successfully on the basis of the theories of strategic management .

  15. 因此,本文以委托代理理论和公司治理论为基础,着重探讨董事会独立性在总经理变更影响企业战略转型过程中所发挥的作用。

    Therefore , this paper discusses the effect of the independence of board of directors takes on the influence of CEO Turnover to corporate strategic transformation .

  16. 从战略制定与背景环境关系的角度分析了中小货代企业战略转型的必要性。

    Second , on the basis of inherent interactivity between strategy and business environment of the firm , it analyzes the necessity of strategy transition of MSFF .

  17. 本文所做的创新性研究工作可以概括为以下三个方面。(1)分析了企业战略转型能力的内在机理。

    This paper has done innovative research can be summarized as the following four aspects . ( 1 ) Analyzing the inherence mechanism of firm strategic transformation capabilities .

  18. 但是,董事会选择受教育水平更高人选继任总经理来推动企业战略转型的假设没有得到验证。

    But the hypothesis that the board will select people having higher education than the former CEO to promote the corporate strategic transformation is not verified in this paper .

  19. 随着城域网中光纤的普及和电信企业战略转型的实施,光纤网络的规划日益显现出其重要性。

    With the popularity of optic fiber in man and the Implementaion of strategic transformation of telecom enterprises , the planning of optic fiber network is becoming more and more important .

  20. 以往学者们研究了总经理变更在打破组织惯性、推动企业战略转型方面的积极作用。

    Previous scholars had done the research on the the positive influence of CEO Turnover to corporate strategic transformation , with the view that CEO Turnover helps to break the organizational inertia .

  21. 第四章是本研究的核心,针对企业战略转型这一特定发展阶段,提出从人力资源管理的战略支持性维度和文化适应性维度两个方面对企业人力资源外包进行决策。

    Viewing from business strategic transforming , a particular stage of development , it gives decisions on human-resource outsourcing management from the human resource management strategic supporting dimension and cultural adaptability dimension .

  22. 企业战略转型是企业适应外部环境变化,改善竞争地位,获得竞争优势,维持企业持续发展的重要手段。

    Strategic transition is a key means that an enterprise meets external environment condition change , improves the competition ,, e position , wins the competitive advantage , and keeps enterprise development continuously .

  23. 企业战略转型发生的背景,企业战略转型决策的选择,企业战略转型的实施,企业战略转型实施的风险,都表明企业转型的成功是企业生存与发展的关键因素。

    Enterprise strategic transformation background , the choice decision , the implementation , the risk of implementation , suggests that the successful strategy transformation is the key factor for enterprise survival and development .

  24. 本文的研究一方面有利于丰富总经理变更以及企业战略转型驱动因素的相关理论,另一方面还将有利于指导我国企业的战略转型实践以及公司治理实践。

    This research will enrich relative theories about CEO Turnover and driving factors of the strategic transformation . And the conclusions will be useful to guide the strategic transformation practice and corporate governance practice of Chinese enterprises .

  25. 论文第二章是相关理论概述,通过介绍工业发展阶段理论和企业战略转型理论及其他重化行业相关理论,为民营企业重型化提供理论依据。

    The thesis ' second chapter is an overview of relevant theories , including stages of industrial development theory and business strategy theory and other heavy and chemical industry-related theories , which provide basis theory for private enterprises entering to heavy and industry .

  26. 采用分组线性结构方程模型方法验证了动态环境的调节作用,证实动态环境在IT能力与动态能力的关系中、在动态能力与企业战略转型的关系中都起着调节作用。

    And the moderating role of dynamic environment is verified by a group of linear Structural Equation Model & Dynamic environment plays a moderating role in the relationship of IT competence and dynamic capability , and also in relationship of dynamic capability and strategic transformation .

  27. 文中介绍KEPCO在韩国电力改革中采取的积极应对措施,并对我国电网企业的战略转型提出了相关建议。

    After taking a close eye on the measures taken by KEPCO according to the demand of the reform , we give some advices on the strategic transformation of our domestic grid companies .

  28. 服务链延伸:传统航空货运企业的战略转型

    Extension of Service Chain : Strategic Transition of Traditional Cargo Airlines

  29. 中国企业的战略转型与文化变革

    Strategical Conversion of Mode of China Enterprises and Cultural Transform

  30. 论企业营销战略转型&从数量营销到全面质量营销

    Enterprises ' Marketing Strategy Transformation : From Quantity Marketing to Overall Quality Marketing