
  1. 阐述了企业对用户进行销售服务的意义,并对售前服务与售后服务进行了论述。

    The paper illustrates significance of service to client after sales in enterprise , and service before and after sales are discussed also .

  2. 随着Internet的迅速发展和普及,电子商务正在以难以置信的速度蓬勃发展,电子商务的发展无论是对企业还是对用户都带来了巨大的影响。

    With the rapid development and popularization of Internet , e-commerce is booming at an incredible speed . Development of e-commerce brings tremendous impact .

  3. 必须确保服务器使用与LotusSametime服务器相同的企业目录来对用户执行身份验证。

    You must also ensure that the server uses the same enterprise directory or directories as the Lotus Sametime server to authenticate users .

  4. 标准,尤其企业软件标准,对用户是有益的,但是厂商们有时有不一致的目标&抑制市场采用标准。

    Standards , especially enterprise software standards , are beneficial to the user , but vendors may sometimes have conflicting goals that inhibit market adoption .

  5. 企业对这种能够给予用户安全感的平台有强烈的需求,借助这个平台,企业就能够了解用户的反馈,从而将这些用户意见付诸实施。

    There 's a strong need for enterprises to be able to capture public input in a place where customers feel safe in order to turn that feedback into action .

  6. 对企业而言,现代化物流配送能实现产品的零库存、降低物流成本,增强企业竞争能力。对用户来说,它简化了手续,方便了用户,提高了服务质量。

    It helps achieve zero inventory , reduce logistics costs and enhance competitiveness for enterprises and simplifies procedures to facilitate the user to improve the quality of service .

  7. 近期钢铁企业面临的市场竞争环境发生了巨大的改变,客户对钢材的品种、规格需求越来越多样化。这种局面下,钢铁企业对用户需求的预测越来越困难。

    Under the situation of greatly changed market competitive environment faced by iron and steel enterprises and extremely diversified demands of steel products and specifications , the prediction of customers ' demands is becoming more and more difficult .

  8. 而国外医疗器械企业非常注重人类工效学在医疗器械设计中的应用,生产出来的医疗器械无不是透过产品优良的设计品质来传达出企业对用户和患者的这种关爱。

    However , foreign companies which produce medical device have attached great importance to the applications of ergonomics in the design of medical devices ; their products have shown great care about the users and the patients .