
  • 网络application service provider;asp;ASP Application Service Provider
  1. 即应用服务商通过Internet或VPN(虚拟专用网)将运行在自己服务器上的应用系统出售或出租给需要使用这些应用系统的多个公司,并提供系统维护、升级等服务。

    That is , application service provider through the Internet or a VPN ( virtual private network ) will run in their own server applications to the sale or rental of these applications require the use of multiple systems , and provide system maintenance , upgrades and other services .

  2. Facebook旗下发展迅猛的照片分享应用服务商Instagram改变了其隐私政策及服务条款,允许广告商购买其用户的照片和数据,却无需给予用户任何补偿,此举受到用户猛烈批评。

    Instagram is facing a backlash from users after the rapidly growing photo-sharing app owned by Facebook altered its privacy policy and terms of service to allow advertisers to buy users ' photos and data without any compensation .

  3. 文章分析了我国宽带用户的特征,并对宽带应用服务商如何根据用户特征制定发展策略提出了具体建议。

    Besides , the paper analyses the characters of broadband application users , and presents some service tactics to providers .

  4. 在数据业务市场里,有互联网接入提供商、互联网内容提供商、互连网应用服务商以及最终用户等众多参与者,他们都有自己的资源优势。

    In the data business market , there is Internet access providers , Internet content providers , Internet application service providers and end users , and many other participants ; they have their own advantages in resources .

  5. 本文结合实际的需求,将他应用在汽车服务商的评价中,实现了对服务商的评价和分类。

    In this paper , actual demand , will he used in the evaluation of automotive service providers , service providers realize the evaluation and classification .

  6. 因此在信息化建设实施过程中,不能仅仅依靠IT应用供应商和服务商提供技术支持,管理咨询机构、信息监理咨询的介入也将是非常重要的一环。

    Therefore , the implementation of information technology in the process , not just rely on software vendors to provide technical support , management consultancy , supervision and consultation of the intervention of the information will be very important part .

  7. 这样,应用及内容服务商可以不受平台的局限,不断开发出更具个性化的贴近用户需求的服务,如信息点播、互动娱乐、位置服务以及银行交易等。

    In this way , application and content service providers can be exempted from limitations of the platform , and constantly develop a more personalized and close to user needs service , such as information on-demand , interactive entertainment , location-based services and banking transactions .

  8. 无线局域网(WLAN)应用主要是服务运营商在人群密集或流动性大的热点地区为公众提供无线接入因特网或企业内部网的服务。

    Wireless LAN ( WLAN ) application mainly refers to the wireless access Inter-net or enterprise Intranet service that ser-vice operators provide for the public at hotspot area with large population or float-ing population .