
yìng dá qì
  • transponder
应答器[yìng dá qì]
  1. RFID只有两个基本器件,由询问器(或阅读器)和应答器(或标签)组成。

    RFID comprises two parts , interrogator ( or reader ) and transponder ( or tag ) .

  2. 搜救雷达应答器(SART)是一种广泛应用于船舶的设备。

    Search and Rescue Transponder ( SART ) is widely used in shipping .

  3. RF模块应答器双卡双待手机平台答录机设计与改进

    Design and improvement of answering machine on the dual-card double standby mobile platform

  4. 基于MSP430的抗串扰应答器接收系统设计

    Design of the responder receiving system for anti-interference based on MSP430

  5. 本文实现了天线、ASK调制、应答器的电源、负载调制、解调、电源传感器和高频功放模块。

    Finally , the antenna , ASK modulation , power supply of the tag , load impedance modulation , demodulation , power supply sensor and HF power amplifier were realized .

  6. 在阅读器IP软件设计中采用CRC校验码检错、出错重发相结合的方法来确保应答器与阅读器的通信可靠;

    In reader software IP design , the method of CRC was used to ensure the communication reliability between the reader and responder .

  7. 基于FSK的低中频应答器的设计

    Design of Low-IF Responder Based on FSK

  8. 站间是以车载设备为主的,由无源点式应答器、GPS列车卫星定位系统、多机校核系统构成的列车信号引导系统。

    The train signal guiding system ( on board ) consisting of passive intermittent responder , train GPS system , and multiple computer checking system are equipped on the section .

  9. 然后设计了车用RFID系统的方案,数据结构层次,系统中阅读器和应答器的结构;

    Then , I designed the project of RFID system applied to automobiles administration , hierarchical structure of data stream and structures of reader and responder .

  10. 比如,在2009年法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班在大西洋坠毁之前,该机发送的诊断数据表明,飞机上多个系统出了问题,其中包括应答器关闭。

    For instance , before Air France Flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 , the jet sent some diagnostic data indicating problems with various onboard systems , including the autopilot 's deactivation .

  11. YD系列语言应答器的原理及其应用

    Principle of YD series speech answering machine and its application

  12. RFID系统主要由两个部分组成:阅读器(又称询问机、读卡器、信号发射机)和电子标签(又称应答器、信号接收机)。

    RFID system is composed of two parts , one is reader ( it is also called interrogator or signal transmitter ), the other is tag ( it is also called transponder or signal acceptor ) .

  13. 对本项目的重要部分FSK调制信号产生模块以及DDS调制进行了深入的研究,硬件实现了FSK信号的发射,编写了能实现应答器基本功能的控制程序。

    The important part FSK signal production and DDS modulation are thoroughly researched . The hardware realization of the FSK transmitter is finished and the basic function program is written also .

  14. 根据《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)见过的文件、航空业官员,以及曾服务过波音777的人员提供的信息,拔掉某一个断路器(断路器上有标签)将导致飞机上两个应答器停止工作。

    Pulling one specific circuit breaker , which is labeled , would render inoperative both of the 777 's transponders , according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal and bolstered by comments from according to aviation industry officials and those who have worked with the 777 .

  15. 同时设计的硬件以PCB板形式,完成了硬件的功能验证。所有结果表明,本文设计的应答器,可移植性强,可以作为应答器SOC设计中的一个软IP使用

    At the same time , the author completes the validation of the PCB . All the result indicates that the responder that the author designs has a good capability of transplant , it can use as a soft IP core in the SOC design of responder

  16. 装有AIS设备的船舶在接收航标设施上AIS信息的同时还收到综合航标信息,能在各种气象条件下远程探测和识别航标。因此,AIS航标有望补充和取代昂贵的雷达应答器。

    3 , vessels with the AIS equipments can get comprehensive remark messages while receiving the AIS messages from remark , can long-distance detect and distinguish remark in all kinds of conditions , AIS AtoN may reinforce and replace the expensive Racon .

  17. 在此基础上,完成了符合HMS标准的网管应答器的实现。最后,本文根据阐述了无锡广电选取TNCS网管程序实现HFC网络管理的系统设计与实现方案,旨在提供一个全面的HFC网络管理方案。

    Based on above , the network management responder which meets HMS standard is implemented . Finally , the thesis elaborates how to implement HFC network management system with TNCS program by which Wuxi Broadcasting Group meant to provide a comprehensive HFC network management project .

  18. 本文介绍了利用深海水密玻璃球应答器(ET661G)设计研发的深海噪声测量潜标,给出了潜标及其结构设计的基本思想和噪声测量记录的基本原理。

    In this paper , it is introduced that deep sea noise measuring flotation which is developed by deep sea glass sphere transponder ( ET661G ) . The basic idea of undersea float and its configuration and the basic principle of noise measurement record are given .

  19. 短基线定位系统中通用宽带应答器的设计与实现

    Design of Underwater Transponder Based on Short Base Line Positioning System

  20. 一种测量深海应答器坐标的方法

    Method for Measurement of Coordinate of Transponder in Deep Ocean

  21. 射频识别系统主要由应答器和读写器两部分组成。

    RFID system is mainly composed of two parts , tag and target .

  22. 交叉频带信标(双频率应答器)有双向传输,因此计算机可以对控制器定时询问。

    Two-way communication is available so that a computer may pull the controller .

  23. 设计出不同的应答器中用户报文编码流程和报文输出流程。

    It designs encoding processes and the output flow of the user telegram .

  24. 应答器作为车-地间信息传输的一种方式在列车运行控制系统中应用广泛,它在我国铁路运行控制中发挥着重要的作用。

    It plays an important part in train control system of our country .

  25. 虚拟应答器已成为国际研究低成本列车运行控制系统的热点。

    It has become a hot area of low-cost train control system internationally .

  26. 高频地波雷达应答器的设计

    Design of High Frequency Ground Wave Radar Responder

  27. 应答器发送高度、位置和飞机航向的信号。

    The transponder sends signals about altitude , locations and direction of a plane .

  28. 我有一个卫星信号应答器。

    I 've got a satellite uplink transponder .

  29. 发射机应答器便会自动发出信号。

    The transponder automatically sends out a signal .

  30. 一种水声导航系统的设计及其接口软硬件研制声学导航接收应答器

    The Design of an Underwater Navigation System and Development of Hardware and Software Interface