
  1. 你应该靠自己的努力。

    You should rely on your own efforts .

  2. 你真的不应该靠自己来提这个东西。

    You really shouldn 't be lifting this by yourself .

  3. 你或许应该靠自己行事,再不然就是跟越少人合作越好。

    You should perhaps work by yourself or with as few people as possible .

  4. 但是当人们觉的计算机确实出了一些问题的时候,应该靠自己内部的“计算机”来检查机器。

    Rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong .

  5. 这是私营部门应该靠自己实现的目标,也是破产重组要做的事情。

    That is what the private sector is supposed to achieve on its own and what a reorganisation under bankruptcy would do .

  6. 16、显然,如果你不得不检查计算机提供的所有答案的话,对它投资就没有任何意义了。但是当人们觉的计算机确实出了一些问题的时候,应该靠自己内部的计算机来检查机器。

    Obviously , there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers , but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong .

  7. 第二,真正的幸福应该是我靠自己就能获得的。

    And second , true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own .

  8. 然而,除非作业有其他特殊的要求,委托你的工作应该完全靠你自己去做。

    However , unless otherwise specified for a particular assignment , the work you submit should be done completely on your own .

  9. 我觉得角色的移动应该是靠他自己本身的目的性来牵引着发生的,而只是靠动画师自己使它动起来。

    I want to see the character move as a result of its own apparent intentionality , not just because that 's where the animator put it .